Studies in Urban Culture, vol. X

巻頭文 中川 眞 2
論 文
近世柳井津の町の構造と都市社会 久角健二 3-17
── 大阪市による接続町村の編入をめぐって ──
島田克彦 18-30
「門限条例」と公共空間の統制 ── 大阪府青少年健全育成条例改正の政治過程から ── 杉山和明 31-52
── 欧州連合の「母語プラス二言語」政策の実践例として ──
木戸紗織 53-66
── 大学路「車のない道」を事例に ──
水谷清佳 67-80
中世都市山田の成立と展開 ── 空間構造と住人構成をめぐって ── マーク・シュナイダー 81-95
墓葬と風水 ── 宋代における地理師の社会的位置 ── 廖 咸 恵
(上内健司 訳)
中国歴史地理学の過去と現在 呉 松 弟
(萩野 祐 訳)
書 評
松下憲一 著 『北魏胡族体制論』 永田拓治 126-128
Peter Conrad 著 “The Medicalization of Society: On the Transformation of Human Conditions into Treatable Disorders 佐々木洋子 129-130
多賀町教育委員会 編 『敏満寺は中世都市か?』 新谷和之・高津浩司 131-133
小泉恭子 著 『音楽をまとう若者』 山口 晋 134-136
黄 寬 重 著 『宋代的家族与社会』 山口智哉 137-140
国際中世学会(英国・リーズ大学)に参加して 仁木 宏 141-142
ニュース 143-157
執筆要項 158
編集後記 159
執筆者一覧 160


Studies in Urban Culture, vol. IX

Index SKMBT_C554e15021611280
Original Articles
Urban-rural Differences in the Pattern of Interpersonal Relationships: Analysis of Friendships and a Resource Gaining Strategy. Genta MIYAZAKI,
Self-esteem and Acceptance of Foreigners: From the Surveys in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Yuriko MUKAI 20-33
Educational Promotion and Elites in a Local City in Song China: A Case Study of Xinchang Prefecture Tomoya YAMAGUCHI 34-53
The Relationship between the Circulation Structure and the Regime in Kinai during the Warring States Period Tadayuki AMANO 54-69
Can Landscape Studies in Geography be available as Social Critics?: The 1930’s Days of Taro TSUJIMURA, Kenji ISHIHARA and Mantaro KIDO, who took Interdisciplinary Approaches Hitoshi NISHIBE 70-85
Shaoxing Shiye: Those who had Abandoned Ascending Promotional Ladder Hisakazu YAMAGUCHI 86-97
The Representation of Seoul in Movies: The Case of Korean Cinema after 1996 Insil YANG 98-117
The Position of Tachiyaku and Jitsuaku on Kamigata-Kabuki: the Core of Nakayama-Shinkuro the first Nao YOTSUMOTO 118-131
Special Articles
The Cities and the Water in the Late Medieval Castle (Las ciudades y el agua en la Castilla bajomedieval) Maria Isabel DEL VAL VALDIVIDSO
(tr. by Shima OHARA and Motoki MURAKAMI)
News 146-158
Editorial 159
Contributors 160

Studies in Urban Culture, vol. VIII

Index SKMBT_C554e15021611272
Original Articles
Possibility and Problems when Making “the Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives” into Digital Archives Makoto GOTO 2-15
A Case Study of Pupils’-Assessment Ability’s Transfiguration Makoto HIROSE 16-31
The Strategy of Public Art: a Case Study of Sound Art Shin NAKAGAWA 32-45
The Management, Administration and Tasks of Convention Centers in Japan: The Osaka International Convention Center as an Example Keum-hyang KIM 46-59
International Trade Network Surrounding the Ancient City of Naniwa Towao SAKAEHARA 60-71
A Study of Childcare Patterns of Chinese Families in Japan: Through a Case Study of a Chinese Family Living in Kansai Yang ZHENG 72-87
Special Articles
Ishibashi Soundscape: Investigating the Soundscape of Urban Japan Jacob KREUTZFELD 88-99
Book Review
On Reading Social Cohesion in Early Modern Cities of East Asia? the Forms of Various Ranks and Classes by Inoue Toru and Tsukada Takashi? Was There a Difference in ‘Social Mobility’? Kohei WAKIMURA 100-109
News 110-122
Editorial 123
Contributors 124

Studies in Urban Culture, vol. VII

Index SKMBT_C554e15021611271
Original Articles
Constantinople and Relics: The Adventus Ceremony of the Image of Edessa in 944 Koichi INOUE 2-19
The Warlords’ Formation in the Hanzhou Cities and the Area Reorganization for the Last Years of Tang Dynasty Satoshi YAMAZAKI 20-33
The Function of Kamagasaki (Yoseba) in the Port Shipping Industry between the 1950s and 1960s Takeshi HARAGUCHI 34-49
Cultural Policy: the Heaven Artist Program in Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Modern Urban Space Susumu YAMAGUCHI 50-62
Overseas Scholarly Trends on the History of Chinese Cities 63
Three Problems on Writing History of Shanghai Urban Social Life Hang QIAN
(tr. by T. INOUE)
American Scholarship on Chinese Cities Liping WANG
(tr. by S. TAKAHATA)
Chinese Urban History in Four Lights Shunji OGURO 83-85
Special Articles
Irie Taikichi and the Age of KOGEISHA in Prewar Osaka-Japan 1925-1938: Focusing on Related Materials of UEDA CAMERA Co., and a Few Newly Discovered Historical Sources Naoto OGAWA 86-101
News 102-112
Editorial 113
Contributors 114

Studies in Urban Culture, vol. VI

Index SKMBT_C554e15021611270
Original Articles
Sousaku Taiko and Gender: A Discussion on Position of Female Performer Mizuki KUWAHARA 2-17
Contingent Employment and Homelessness Yuuji OHOKURA 18-32
City and Human 33
Establishing Universal Ethics in the Context of Urban Culture:
The Notions of Human Dignity and Moral Autonomy in It? Jinsai’s 伊藤仁齋 Gom? jigi語孟字義 Noboru MIYAZAKI What Is the Multi-Cultural Society ?
Gregor PAUL
( Hiroyuki YAMASAKI)
What Is the Multi-Cultural Society ?: A Comparison between German and Japan Noboru MIYAZAKI 46-57
The City and Religion /Secularization and Globalization in Germany:
A Consideration of the Transformation of Religious Culture
Jan Marc NOTTELMANN 58-71
Theoretical Writings on J?ruri: Thinking about Art in Japanese Puppet Theater History Andreas REGELSBERGER 72-75
Special Articles
Contested Wisdom in Indonesian and Japanese Proverbs: A ?Linguistic-Cultural Mapping Sailal ARIMI 76-101
News 102-117
Editorial 119
Contributors 120

Studies in Urban Culture, vol. V

Index SKMBT_C554e15021611260
Original Articles
Kant’s Eyes at the Frontier Enlightenment City, Konigsberug : Reconsideration of Kant’s Physical Geography Jio HOJO 2-15
Why does Godzilla destroy Cities? Masahide TABATA 16-29
A spatial analysis of the early modern town of Kaizuka with a particular focus on the tax-exempt lands of Bokuhan house retainers. Kunihiko TODA 30-45
Establishment of Legitimacy : How could Yuan Mei袁枚 acquire social prestige in Su Zhou蘇州 ? Biao WANG 46-61
Tendencies of Criminal Types in Newspapers in the Early Meiji Period Hiroaki MATSUNAGA 62-71
Special Articles
Zhen(鎮) Society in premodern China as revealed in the Records of Temples: Nanxun南潯 zhen in the Southern Song宋 period Takashi SUE 72-83
Overseas Report
A Long History of the Medieval Manuscript in the British Library Collection entitled “Inquisition of Toulouse” Nobutada ZUSHI (London) 84-87
News 88-114
Editorial 115
Contributors 116

Studies in Urban Culture, vol. IV

Index SKMBT_C554e15021611250
Original Articles
Izumi(和泉) as a place with Miyako — an Element which Constitutes the “Izumi Gen(和泉監)” — Keita ENDO 2-10
Tourism in Okinawa and Imaginative Geographies in the Pre war Era Koji KANDA 11-27
The Derwy School’s Experiment in Coping with Urbanization and Industrialization — The Characteristics of Teaching Practices from the View point of the Visitor — Hisayoshi MORI 28-43
A Psychological Approach to the Problem of Bicycles Illegally Parked on Pavements Daisuke SAEKI
Masato ITO
A Theoretical investigation of Two Japanese Landscape Concepts, 風景 Fukei and 景観 Keikan, and the Application to the Interpretation of Kenji Nakagami’s `Roji` Tsukasa WAKAMATSU 56-72
Oaths at Assemblies in the Languedoc in the Middle Ages Nobutada ZUSHI 73-86
Port Control in Osaka Bay through the Power of the Miyoshi Family Tadayuki AMANO 87-97
Behavioral Characteristics of People Living in Urban Areas from Standpoints of Selfishness and Conformity: A Cross-regional Comparison of Osaka and Other Cities Masato ITO,
Daisuke SAEKI
Building a Multi-ethnic Community and its Social Security: The Case of Ethnic Koreans in Japan Yuko NIKAIDO 106-117
The Spatial Structure of German Medieval Port Cities: The Possibility of comparison with the Japanese Medieval City Hiroshi NIKI 118-126
Special Articles
Changing Features in Chinese Shrine Cults around the Song Period Kohichi MATSUMOTO 127-142
News 143-172
Editorial 173
Contributors 174

Studies in Urban Culture, vol. III

Index  SKMBT_C554e15021611240_0001
Original Articles
A Report on the Place of the Emperors’ Birthday in the Tang Dynasty: From the Gates to Temples Shoko ANAZAWA 2-33
The Zongfa 宗法 System Made by Huo Tao 霍韜: The Lineage Associations in Confucian Culture Under the Influence of Commercialization and Urbanization Toru INOUE 34-51
A Study of Keisei-Yamauba-Miyakono-Toshidama Kuniko NAWA 52-66
n Development of the Medieval Saga and Ooi River Traffic Takuo OOMURA 67-83
Islam Diversified: Transformation of Malay Ethnic Identity in Contemporary Malaysia Hiroshi TAWADA 84-96
The Modern Metropolis: Can It Exhaust Its Citizens’ Minds and Even Society Itself ? Mihoko WATABE
The Labor Flow and Its Economic Factors in Post-War Okinawa: An Approach to the “Over-Migration Theory” Masahiko KISHI 118-136
Urban Cultures and the Performing Arts 137
Urban Cultures and the Performing Arts in Osaka City Yutsuki KANDA 138-151
Japanese Puppet Shows and Kabuki at the Mansions of Feudal Lords in Edo Hiroko SUZUKI 152-164
Calling on E. Soja: The Latest Frontiers of Spatial / Urban Theory Toshio MIZUUCHI 165
Edward Soja in Postmodern Geographical Turn: Some Reflections on Soja’s Spatial / Urban Theory Masahiro KATO 166-181
Revisiting “Postmodern Geographies” Edward W. SOJA
(trans. by Yumiko NAGAO)
Special Articles
Patrilineal Ideology in the Modern Korean Kinship System: Continuity and Change Mun-Woong LEE
(trans. by Chi-Mi TO)
Yogyakarta and Cultural Tourism I Made BANDEM
(trans. by Toshiko HAYASHI)
The Dynamism of Urban Culture: The Javanese Gamelan Groups in the Kansai Area, Japan Triyono BRAMANTYO
(transl. by Toshiko HAYASHI)
Regional Merchants and the Urban Culture of Jiangnan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties Jinmin FAN
(trans. by Yoshio Matsuda)
Pursuing Possibilities for the Comparative Sociology of Cinematography: The Case of Australia Saeko ISHITA 237-238
News 239-268
Editorial 269
Contributors 270

Studies in Urban Culture, vol. II

Original Articles
A Study of Urban Community Schools during the German New Education Movement, Focusing on B. Otto’s Educational Concepts Yukako NAITO 2‐13
The Eye-Opening Ceremony of the Great Bronze Buddha at Todaiji Temple and Its Political Significance Towao SAKAEHARA 14‐27
John Barth and Baltimore: Urbanism and Localism in His Metafictions Yukio TAKESHITA 28‐38
The Structure of the Uwani Ship Group of the 19th Century Mitajiri Area of Suou Country Souichi YAMASHITA 39‐55
The Port City, Hangzhou: City Evolution at the Coast of China and the East Asian Sea Area in the 9th-10th Centuries Satoshi YAMAZAKI 56‐71
Forms of Urban Intellectual Society: Mainly in Soochow, Yangchow, and Nanking in the Middle of Qing Dynasty Biao WANG 72‐89
TSUNETOU Kyo’s “Cultured Nation”and “Cultured City”after the Second World war Tadahide HIROKAWA 90‐100
Behavioral Characteristics of People of Osaka and the Problem of Bicycles Illegally Parked on the Pavement: A Cross-Regional Comparison Masato ITO
Daisuke SAEKI
Spatial Structure and Residential Segregation in Modern Osaka Toshio MIZUUCHI 112‐131
Special Articles
Research and Perspective of the Lower Strata of Society in Chinese Cities Yingfang CHEN
( Katsumi NAKAO)
Shimazaki Toson: Making Home in Modern World Stephen DODD
Portraiture of the Flourishing City Culture of Su Zhou: “The Portrayal of the Prosperity of Gu Su” Jinmin FAN
( Shigeki IWAI)
Principal Historical Sources on Chang-an in the Tang Dynasty Deyong XIN
Comment on XIN sunobu MATSUMOTO 187‐188
Overseas Report
Some Aspects of Tourism in Indonesia KANDA 189‐191
News 192‐216
Editorial 217
Contributors 218


Studies in Urban Culture, vol. I

Foreword Hiroyuki SAKAGUCHI 2
Introduction to the Project Hiroyuki SAKAGUCHI 3‐10
Original Articles
A Study on the Project Method in Urban Elementary Schools: A Comparison with an Experiment in Rural Schools Xi CHEN 11‐22
Changes of Japanese Modern Values and Religious Consciousness Satoru KANEKO 23‐35
The Secret Societies in Jena Hiroshi KITAHARA 36‐49
Denial and Acceptance of Different Cultures: Terror Management Theory Yuriko MUKAI 50‐65
The Extension of New Education Movement from Urban Areas to the Country in Modern China: Focusing on the Educational Practice of Xingzhi Tao in Xiaozhuang Schoo Shusheng SONG 66‐77
The Creation of a Music Culture in Vienna through Schubert hiro TAJIMA 78‐89
Changes in Schooling and Urbanization in Early 20th Century Osaka Hisaki TOYODA 90‐103
The Significance of the Existence of the “Touyaku-donya” and the “Yakusyu-nakagai” Guilds Dealing with Raw Herbs: Examination of Opinions on the Establishment of the “Wayaku-aratame kaisyo” Facility Sachiko WATANABE 104‐123
For History of Socio-Cultural Structure in Cities Takashi TSUKADA 124‐142
Comments on TSUKADA Towao SAKAEHARA,
Hiroshi NIKI,
Koichi INOUE,
Shigeki HIRATA,
Visiting Scholars
Prof. Jinmin FAN Toru INOUE 151‐154
Overseas Report
Hamburg Hiroshi NIKI 155‐156
Shanghai Koji OOIWAMOTO 157
Yogyakarta Saeko ISHITA 158‐160
Kuala Lumpur Hiroshi TAWADA 161‐163
Hamburg Keiko OSAWA 164‐165
Hamburg Tomohiro TAKANASHI 166‐169
News 170‐194
Editorial 195
Contributors 196
Page Top