Index Original Articles Urban-rural Differences in the Pattern of Interpersonal Relationships: Analysis of Friendships and a Resource Gaining Strategy. Genta MIYAZAKI, Satoru KANEKO 2-19 Self-esteem and Acceptance of Foreigners: From the Surveys in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Yuriko MUKAI 20-33 Educational Promotion and Elites in a Local City in Song China: A Case Study of Xinchang Prefecture Tomoya YAMAGUCHI 34-53 Note The Relationship between the Circulation Structure and the Regime in Kinai during the Warring States Period Tadayuki AMANO 54-69 Can Landscape Studies in Geography be available as Social Critics?: The 1930’s Days of Taro TSUJIMURA, Kenji ISHIHARA and Mantaro KIDO, who took Interdisciplinary Approaches Hitoshi NISHIBE 70-85 Shaoxing Shiye: Those who had Abandoned Ascending Promotional Ladder Hisakazu YAMAGUCHI 86-97 The Representation of Seoul in Movies: The Case of Korean Cinema after 1996 Insil YANG 98-117 The Position of Tachiyaku and Jitsuaku on Kamigata-Kabuki: the Core of Nakayama-Shinkuro the first Nao YOTSUMOTO 118-131 Special Articles The Cities and the Water in the Late Medieval Castle (Las ciudades y el agua en la Castilla bajomedieval) Maria Isabel DEL VAL VALDIVIDSO (tr. by Shima OHARA and Motoki MURAKAMI) 132-145 News 146-158 Editorial 159 Contributors 160