インターナショナルスクール集中科目2020 国際都市社会論Ⅱ


講師: Langley, Raymond(大分大学福祉健康科学部准教授)
講義名:International cities and cultures II

  1. Objective of the course
    In this class, we will study the interaction between culture and psychology.  This course will explore how we can better understand human behavior, thought, and feeling by taking into account the role of culture, a perspective gaining popularity in the 21st century.  We will look at various topics currently under discussion in this field, as well as methodologies to analyse psychological matters in relation to culture.
  1. Goal
    Students are expected to be able to evaluate basic issues discussed in cultural psychology, and gain knowledge on research methods, and to apply skills and knowledge to various phenomena in the daily life.

3.Weekly plan

Week 1: Overview of the relationship between psychology and culture
Week 2: Cultural psychology research methods
Week 3: Cultural psychology and replication issues
Week 4: Culture and self-construal
Week 5: Culture and attribution, the fundamental attribution error, locus of control
Week 6: Culture, perception, and cognition
Week 7: The relation between language, culture, and thought: The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
Week 8: Bilingualism and Translation (1): linguistic competence
Week 9: Bilingualism Translation: cultural influence
Week 10: Prejudice
Week 11: Overcoming Prejudice
Week 12: Helping Behavior
Week 13: Cultural Neuroscience
Week 14: Intercultural Communication
Week 15: Summary of the course

  1. Preparation and review for each class
    Students are advised to read relevant materials prior to each meeting, and think how topics dealt with in the class can be applied to our verbal and cultural activities in our daily life.
  1. Evaluation methods
    Essays (80%), class participation (20%)
  1. Comments for students (raising awareness to particulars that you wish to address)
    Topics covered in this course can be found in our daily life, and in addition to lectures and academic readings, I would like for the students to reflect upon and discuss their own experiences with different cultures and languages.
  1. Text books and other materials
    People: Psychology from a Cultural Perspective. Matsumoto, David.  Brooms/Cole, 1994
    Culture and Psychology.  Matsumoto, David and Juang, Linda. Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2013
    文化心理学〈上〉心がつくる文化、文化がつくる心 (心理学の世界 専門編)、増田貴彦、山岸俊男、2010.
    (Additional materials will be provided during the class.)



開催日時2020年3月9日(月) 13:00~17:00







インターナショナルスクール集中科目2019 国際社会都市論Ⅰ

イベント名インターナショナルスクール集中科目2019 国際社会都市論Ⅰ



講師: MA Ran/馬然 (Nagoya University; E-mail :maran[at]nagoya-u.jp)


In this fast-changing, ever globalizing world, the life and existence of human beings are to great extent defined by the urban condition they are enmeshed within and struggling with. This graduate-level seminar attempts to survey major urban issues and cultural topics in modern societies by engaging with a wide spectrum of cultural texts drawn from films, literary works as well as architecture; in case studies, particular attention is paid to the social context and cities in Asia. City will not only be simply explored as the theme or ambience featured in these texts, following our adventure of “entering” the city, with the socio-historical dimensions of urban space theoretically surveyed, we shall direct our attention to the urbanites and their mental life. Finally, the seminar will position the study of urban culture within the heated discourses and debates on globalization. Departing from observations upon Asian metropolises, students are expected to debate and discuss cinematic texts in relation to the urban condition of local, regional and global scales. Through the seminar, students will learn to approach and critique the cultural space of cities by utilising key concepts drawn from various theoretical perspectives such as cultural studies, visual culture and sociology.

Session 1


Required Reading

Donald Richie, Tokyo: A View of the City, London, England: Reaktion Books, 1999,11-16

Walter Benjamin, “Paris, the Capital of the Nineteenth Century”, 1935

NOTE: Students are expected to read the assigned texts before the intensive lectures start.

Session 2


Required Reading

Yomi Braester, “Arriving in the City; Touring the City; Watching the City”, Cinema at the City’s Edge: Film and Urban Networks in East Asia. Yomi Braester, James Tweedie, eds., Hong Kong University Press: 2010.

Mark Shiel. “Cinema and the City in History and Theory”, Cinema and the City: Film and Urban Societies in a Global Context, ed. Tony Fitzmaurice and Mark Shiel, 2001

Film for discussion: Sans Soleil, Dir. Chris Marker, 1983

(also refer to Tokyo-ga, Dir. Wim Wenders, 1985)

Session 3


Required Readings

Dudley Andrew, “Ghost Towns”, Cinema at the City’s Edge:  Film and Urban Networks in East Asia. Yomi Braester, James Tweedie, eds., Hong Kong University Press: 2010.

Freud, “Uncanny”, 1919

Tweedie, James. in “Morning in The New Metropolis: Taipei and the Globalization of City Film,” Cinema Taiwan: Politics, Popularity and State Of The Arts, edited by Darrell William Davis and Ru-shou Robert Chen, Routledge, 2007, p116-130

Film for discussion: TBA.

Session 4


Required Reading

Sheldon H. Lu, “Tear Down the City: Reconstructing Urban Space in Contemporary Chinese Popular Cinema and Avant-Garde Art”, The Urban Generation: Chinese Cinema And Society At The Turn Of The Twenty-First Century, eds. Zhang Zhen, 2007

Film for discussion: 100 Flowers Hidden Deep, Dir.:Chen Kaige (available at YouTube); TBA

Session 5-6 (time of film screening included)


Required Readings

Georg Simmel, “the Stranger”

Also available online at: http://midiacidada.org/img/O_Estrangeiro_SIMMEL.pdf

Linda Chiu-Han Lai, “Whither the Walker Goes: Spatial Practices And Negative Poetics In 1990s Chinese Urban Cinema”, The Urban Generation: Chinese Cinema And Society At The Turn Of The Twenty-First Century, eds. Zhang Zhen, 2007

Walter Benjamin, “On Some Motifs on Baudelaire”

Homework Viewing: Suzhou River, Dir. Lou Ye, 2000

Session 7


Required Readings

Julian Stringer, “Global Cities and International Film Festival Economy,” Cinema and the City: Film and Urban Societies in a Global Context, ed. Mark Shiel and Tony Fitzmaurice, London: Blackwell, 2001, 134–44

Thompson, Kristine & Bordwell, David, 2010. “Toward a Global Film Culture”, Film History: An Introduction, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, p694-712

Session 8


Butler, Judith. “Bodies in Alliance and the Politics of The Street”, Sensible Politics: The Visual Culture of Nongovernmental Activism. Meg McLagan and Yates McKee. MIT Press. November 2012, p117-137

Chee Lilian & Lim Edna. 2015. “Asian Films and The Potential Of Cinematic Space”, in Asian Cinema and the Use of Space: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Chee Lilian & Lim Edna, Routledge

NOTE: Group Presentation Session


インターナショナルスクール集中科目2017 国際都市文化論Ⅰ

イベント名文学部・文学研究科共通科目 国際都市文化論Ⅰ
開催日時2017年9月26日(火) 27日(水) 28日(木) 29日(金)







講師:Lai, Wei Ling(名古屋大学教養教育院准教授)

講義タイトル:How to Build a Clear and Convincing Research Idea (明晰で納得できるリサーチアイデアを構築する方法)

(1) Academic Writing and Logical Thinking

(2) Building a Clear Research Idea

(3) Developing a Convincing Support for Your Idea

(4) The Secret of Building a Logical Argument



講師:Langley, Raymond(大分大学福祉健康科学部准教授)

講義タイトル:Culture and Psychology(文化と心理学)

This course will explore how we can better understand human behavior, thought, and feeling by taking into account the role of culture. This perspective has become increasingly important in research in the 21st century. The influence of culture extends from the basic processes of perception to our very sense of self; therefore, one can argue that conclusions based on studies done within only one culture may not apply to other cultures. In other words, a finding that seems true for all humanity may turn out to be true only for humans of a certain culture. In this light it is remarkable that so many foundational studies in psychology were conducted with participants from only one culture, often the US. In this class, we will study the interaction between culture and psychology. We will look at topics such as how culture influences perception, independent and interdependent construals of self, the role that culture plays in attributing both success and motivation, the Sapir-Whorf hypotheses, bilingualism, and culture and cognition. Perspectives from brain sciences will be included. In addition to lectures and academic readings, I would like for the students to reflect upon and discuss their own experiences with different cultures and languages.


People: Psychology from a Cultural Perspective. Matsumoto, David. Brooms/Cole, 1994

Culture and Psychology. Matsumoto, David and Juang, Linda. Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2013

文化心理学〈上〉心がつくる文化、文化がつくる心 (心理学の世界 専門編)、増田貴彦、山岸俊男、2010.

(1) Overview of the relationship between psychology and culture, how to define culture, why do we need to think about culture in psychology

(2) Cultural psychology research methods

(3) Culture and self-construal

(4) Culture and attribution, the fundamental attribution error, locus of control

(5) Culture, perception, and cognition

(6) The relation between language, culture, and thought: The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

(7) Bilingualism

インターナショナルスクール集中科目2016 比較文化交流論II

イベント名文学部・文学研究科共通科目 比較文化交流論II











講師:Langley, Raymond(大分大学文学部准教授)

講義タイトル:Culture and Psychology(文化と心理学)



講師:小野原 教子(兵庫県立大学経営学部准教授)

講義タイトル:Japanese Fashion as Contemporary Global Culture (グローバル文化としての日本ファッション)



インターナショナルスクール集中科目2015 比較文化交流論Ⅰ

2015年度 インターナショナルスクール集中科目

文学部・文学研究科共通科目 比較文化交流論Ⅰ




講師:Ma Ran(マ ラン)(名古屋大学准教授)

講義タイトル:City Culture and Cinema: a Critical Trip into Today’s East Asia


講師:山根 和代(やまね かずよ)(立命館大学准教授、国際平和ミュージアム副館長)

講義タイトル: Global Issues and the Rapprochement of Cultures



アカデミック・コミュニケーション演習 I 開講期:前期 水曜5時限



Academic Communication Course I




  • 科目の主題

To introduce and develop Academic Presentation skills.

  • 到達目標

The Academic Communications 1 course is designed to allow the students to make quick, visible progress and to gain enough confidence and skill to make effective presentations in English both during and after the course. (A student DVD provides an excellent model for students to emulate!).

  • 授業内容・授業計画

Appropriate supplementary materials apart from the core-textbook will be prepared each week; these materials will provide the students will specifically academic input. (This course outline is provisional and may be subject to alterations).

第 1 回 Physical Aspects – Posture and Eye Content

第 2 回 Physical Aspects – Gestures

第 3 回 Physical Aspects – Voice Inflection

第 4 回 Visual Aspects – Effective Visuals

第 5 回 Visual Aspects – Explaining Visuals

第 6 回 Transmitting Information – The Introduction

第 7 回 Transmitting Information – The Body

第 8 回 Transmitting Information – The Conclusion

第 9 回 First Structured Presentations and Evaluation

第 10 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation

第 11 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation

第 12 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation

第 13 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation

第 14 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation

第 15 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation


  • 評価方法

Students will be introduced to and provided with frequent opportunities to practice their presentation skills; there will be a strong emphasis on practice. Students will be required to prepare their own short presentations which will be evaluated by other class members and the instructor.

  • 受講生へのコメント

The course is designed to allow the students to make quick, visible progress and to gain enough confidence and skill to make effective presentations in English both during and after the course. (A student DVD provides an excellent model for students to emulate!).

  • 参考文献・教材

Students will be expected to purchase a core text:

“Speaking of Speech – New Edition – Basic Presentation Skills for Beginners – David Harrington & Charles LeBeau – Macmillan (2009).

Supplementary materials may come from several of the following resources:

“Your First Speech and Presentation” – Kobayashi Toshiko and Shawn M. Clankie – Nan`un-do (2010).

“Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English” – Bob Dignen – Summertime Publishing.

“The Craft of Scientific Presentations” – Michael Alley – Springer.

“Presenting in English” – Mark Powell – Thomson.

“Dazzle `em with Style” – Robert R.H.Anholt – Elsevier Academic Press.


アカデミック・コミュニケーション演習 Ⅱ 開講期:後期 水曜5時限



Academic Communication Course Ⅱ



  • 科目の主題

To introduce and practice major patterns of Academic Writing.

  • 到達目標

This course aims to get the participants to master several major rhetorical patterns of academic writing at the paragraph level, then moves on to apply and extend what they have learned in essay-length compositions. Each week a large number of appropriate suggested topics will be provided, in addition to key phrases and sentence patterns common to different types of writing, as well as easy to understand example paragraphs or essays. Each week, the students will be supplied with all they need to confidently write what they want, or what they are assigned.

  • 授業内容・授業計画

An introduction to the POWER system approach to academic writing, and including practice of the main patterns of organization such as description,comparison-contrast,narrative,summary,explanation and arguement.

第 1 回 Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3: Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)

第 2 回 Unit 3: Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Self-Introduction Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework)

第 3 回 Unit 3: Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Self-Introduction Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 5: Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)

第 4 回 Unit 5: Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Comparison-Contrast Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework)

第 5 回 Unit 5: Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Comparison-Contrast Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 8 : Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)

第 6 回 Unit 8 : Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Summary Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework)

第 7 回 Unit 8 : Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Summary Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 13, Unit 14: Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)

第 8 回 Unit 14: Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Essay (Rewriting stage as homework)

第 9 回 Unit 14 : Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Essay (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 15 : Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)

第 10 回 Unit 15 : Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Essay (Rewriting stage as homework)

第 11 回 Unit 15 : Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Essay (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 16 : Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)

第 12 回 Unit 16 : Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Review Essay (Rewriting stage as homework)

第 13 回 Unit 16 : Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Review Essay (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 17: Prewriting and Organizing stages (Preparation for writing Examination Essay as homework)

第 14 回 Unit 17 : Writing Examination Essay, First Evaluating stage, Rewriting stage (Draft 2)

第 15 回 Reflection – Examination Essay Draft 2 Returned.


  • 評価方法

The participants will be continually assessed according to their weekly class participation and written assignments; this will be combined with a grade for the examination essay at the end of the course.

  • 受講生へのコメント

The core text provides an easy, practical and rational approach to learning academic writing; it makes academic writing easy for students to learn. The careful, step-by-step guidance built into the book will enable the instructor to focus more on the specific writing needs of individual students. (Peer evaluation will also be encouraged, although not directly considered in the grading).

  • 参考文献・教材

The core text which every student should buy is:

“Basic Steps to Academic Writing – From Paragraph to Essay” – Matthew A. Taylor & David E. Kluge – Cengage Learning (2012)

Supplementary materials may come from the following resources:

“Basic Steps to Writing Research Papers” – David E. Kluge & Matthew A. Taylor – Cengage Learning (2007)

“EAP now!” English for Academic Purposes – Kathy Cox and David Hill – Pearson/Longman (2004)

“Introduction to Academic Writing” Third Edition – Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue – Pearson/Longman(2007)

“Writing Academic English” Fourth Edition – Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue – Pearson/Longman (2006)

Students do not need to purchase the supplementary textbooks.

インターナショナルスクール集中科目2014 国際都市社会論Ⅱ




インターナショナルスクール集中科目2012 国際都市文化論Ⅱ






当日の内容:Compilation of papers

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