アカデミック・コミュニケーション演習 Ⅱ | 開講期:後期 水曜5時限
単位数:2単位 |
Academic Communication Course Ⅱ |
エリザベス・リー非常勤講師 |
- 科目の主題
To introduce and practice major patterns of Academic Writing.
- 到達目標
This course aims to get the participants to master several major rhetorical patterns of academic writing at the paragraph level, then moves on to apply and extend what they have learned in essay-length compositions. Each week a large number of appropriate suggested topics will be provided, in addition to key phrases and sentence patterns common to different types of writing, as well as easy to understand example paragraphs or essays. Each week, the students will be supplied with all they need to confidently write what they want, or what they are assigned.
- 授業内容・授業計画
An introduction to the POWER system approach to academic writing, and including practice of the main patterns of organization such as description,comparison-contrast,narrative,summary,explanation and arguement.
第 1 回 Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3: Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)
第 2 回 Unit 3: Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Self-Introduction Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework)
第 3 回 Unit 3: Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Self-Introduction Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 5: Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)
第 4 回 Unit 5: Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Comparison-Contrast Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework)
第 5 回 Unit 5: Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Comparison-Contrast Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 8 : Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)
第 6 回 Unit 8 : Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Summary Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework)
第 7 回 Unit 8 : Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Summary Paragraph (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 13, Unit 14: Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)
第 8 回 Unit 14: Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Essay (Rewriting stage as homework)
第 9 回 Unit 14 : Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Essay (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 15 : Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)
第 10 回 Unit 15 : Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Essay (Rewriting stage as homework)
第 11 回 Unit 15 : Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Essay (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 16 : Prewriting and Organizing stages (Writing stage as homework)
第 12 回 Unit 16 : Evaluating stage, First Peer Evaluating of Review Essay (Rewriting stage as homework)
第 13 回 Unit 16 : Evaluating stage, Second Peer Evaluating of Review Essay (Rewriting stage as homework) Unit 17: Prewriting and Organizing stages (Preparation for writing Examination Essay as homework)
第 14 回 Unit 17 : Writing Examination Essay, First Evaluating stage, Rewriting stage (Draft 2)
第 15 回 Reflection – Examination Essay Draft 2 Returned.
- 評価方法
The participants will be continually assessed according to their weekly class participation and written assignments; this will be combined with a grade for the examination essay at the end of the course.
- 受講生へのコメント
The core text provides an easy, practical and rational approach to learning academic writing; it makes academic writing easy for students to learn. The careful, step-by-step guidance built into the book will enable the instructor to focus more on the specific writing needs of individual students. (Peer evaluation will also be encouraged, although not directly considered in the grading).
- 参考文献・教材
The core text which every student should buy is:
“Basic Steps to Academic Writing – From Paragraph to Essay” – Matthew A. Taylor & David E. Kluge – Cengage Learning (2012)
Supplementary materials may come from the following resources:
“Basic Steps to Writing Research Papers” – David E. Kluge & Matthew A. Taylor – Cengage Learning (2007)
“EAP now!” English for Academic Purposes – Kathy Cox and David Hill – Pearson/Longman (2004)
“Introduction to Academic Writing” Third Edition – Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue – Pearson/Longman(2007)
“Writing Academic English” Fourth Edition – Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue – Pearson/Longman (2006)
Students do not need to purchase the supplementary textbooks.