アカデミック・コミュニケーション演習 I | 開講期:前期 水曜5時限
単位数:2単位 |
Academic Communication Course I |
エリザベス・リー非常勤講師 |
- 科目の主題
To introduce and develop Academic Presentation skills.
- 到達目標
The Academic Communications 1 course is designed to allow the students to make quick, visible progress and to gain enough confidence and skill to make effective presentations in English both during and after the course. (A student DVD provides an excellent model for students to emulate!).
- 授業内容・授業計画
Appropriate supplementary materials apart from the core-textbook will be prepared each week; these materials will provide the students will specifically academic input. (This course outline is provisional and may be subject to alterations).
第 1 回 Physical Aspects – Posture and Eye Content
第 2 回 Physical Aspects – Gestures
第 3 回 Physical Aspects – Voice Inflection
第 4 回 Visual Aspects – Effective Visuals
第 5 回 Visual Aspects – Explaining Visuals
第 6 回 Transmitting Information – The Introduction
第 7 回 Transmitting Information – The Body
第 8 回 Transmitting Information – The Conclusion
第 9 回 First Structured Presentations and Evaluation
第 10 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation
第 11 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation
第 12 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation
第 13 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation
第 14 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation
第 15 回 Individual Presentations Practice & Evaluation
- 評価方法
Students will be introduced to and provided with frequent opportunities to practice their presentation skills; there will be a strong emphasis on practice. Students will be required to prepare their own short presentations which will be evaluated by other class members and the instructor.
- 受講生へのコメント
The course is designed to allow the students to make quick, visible progress and to gain enough confidence and skill to make effective presentations in English both during and after the course. (A student DVD provides an excellent model for students to emulate!).
- 参考文献・教材
Students will be expected to purchase a core text:
“Speaking of Speech – New Edition – Basic Presentation Skills for Beginners – David Harrington & Charles LeBeau – Macmillan (2009).
Supplementary materials may come from several of the following resources:
“Your First Speech and Presentation” – Kobayashi Toshiko and Shawn M. Clankie – Nan`un-do (2010).
“Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English” – Bob Dignen – Summertime Publishing.
“The Craft of Scientific Presentations” – Michael Alley – Springer.
“Presenting in English” – Mark Powell – Thomson.
“Dazzle `em with Style” – Robert R.H.Anholt – Elsevier Academic Press.