イベント名 | 文学部・文学研究科共通科目 国際都市文化論Ⅰ |
開催日時 | 2017年9月26日(火) 27日(水) 28日(木) 29日(金) |
講師:Lai, Wei Ling(名古屋大学教養教育院准教授)
講義タイトル:How to Build a Clear and Convincing Research Idea (明晰で納得できるリサーチアイデアを構築する方法)
(1) Academic Writing and Logical Thinking
(2) Building a Clear Research Idea
(3) Developing a Convincing Support for Your Idea
(4) The Secret of Building a Logical Argument
講師:Langley, Raymond(大分大学福祉健康科学部准教授)
講義タイトル:Culture and Psychology(文化と心理学)
This course will explore how we can better understand human behavior, thought, and feeling by taking into account the role of culture. This perspective has become increasingly important in research in the 21st century. The influence of culture extends from the basic processes of perception to our very sense of self; therefore, one can argue that conclusions based on studies done within only one culture may not apply to other cultures. In other words, a finding that seems true for all humanity may turn out to be true only for humans of a certain culture. In this light it is remarkable that so many foundational studies in psychology were conducted with participants from only one culture, often the US. In this class, we will study the interaction between culture and psychology. We will look at topics such as how culture influences perception, independent and interdependent construals of self, the role that culture plays in attributing both success and motivation, the Sapir-Whorf hypotheses, bilingualism, and culture and cognition. Perspectives from brain sciences will be included. In addition to lectures and academic readings, I would like for the students to reflect upon and discuss their own experiences with different cultures and languages.
People: Psychology from a Cultural Perspective. Matsumoto, David. Brooms/Cole, 1994
Culture and Psychology. Matsumoto, David and Juang, Linda. Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2013
文化心理学〈上〉心がつくる文化、文化がつくる心 (心理学の世界 専門編)、増田貴彦、山岸俊男、2010.
(1) Overview of the relationship between psychology and culture, how to define culture, why do we need to think about culture in psychology
(2) Cultural psychology research methods
(3) Culture and self-construal
(4) Culture and attribution, the fundamental attribution error, locus of control
(5) Culture, perception, and cognition
(6) The relation between language, culture, and thought: The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
(7) Bilingualism