Researcher Name | Takanobu Tanaka |
Affiliation | Osaka Metropolitan University |
Section | Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences |
Job | Professor |
Research interests
19世紀イギリス小説 チャールズ・ディケンズ ロンドン ジャーナリズム ジェンダー, Imperialism, Gender, Charles Dickens, Victorian Novels, English Literature, English Language and Literature
more(7)Research areas
- Humanities & social sciences / Literature - British/English-languag / English Language and Literature
- Humanities & social sciences / Literature - British/English-languag / Nineteenth Century English Novels
Research experience
- - Present: Osaka City University Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Language and Culture Course Professor
- - Present: Osaka City University 大学院文学研究科 Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor
- : Osaka City University 専任講師
- - : Ohtani Women's College Faculty of Literature Lecturer, Associate Professor
- - : Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Letters 英語学英文学
- - : Hiroshima University Graduate School of Letters 英語学英文学専修博士課程後期中途退学
- - : Hiroshima University Graduate School of Letters 英語学英文学専修博士課程前期修了
- - : Osaka Kyoiku University Faculty of Education 中学校教員養成課程英語専攻
- : Osaka Kyoiku University Faculty of Education 中学校課程英語科
Committee memberships
- - Present: 評議員 日本英文学会関西支部
- - Present: 理事 日本ヴィクトリア朝文化研究学会
- - : 編集委員 日本英文学会
- - : 編集委員 日本英文学会関西支部
- - : 大会準備委員 日本英文学会
- : the Prize for an Excellent Textbook Exploring the Globe through The Times and The Guardian 大阪市立大学教育後援会
Published papers
- Gissing's View of the London Working Classes: Representations of the Female Body in The Nether World
Tanaka, Takanobu
QUERIES 54 1 -20 - Authorial Distgance in A Child of the Jago
Tanaka, Takanobu
Studies in the Humanities 71 43 -57 - Narrating Chinatown: The Seduction of "Oriental London"
Takanobu Tanaka
Studies in Victorian Literature 17 5 -26 - Cultural Philanthropy and Narrative Strategy in Walter Besant's All Sorts and Conditions of Men
TANAKA Takanobu
QUERIES 50 1 -17 - Sexual Politics in Slum Fiction: Margaret Harkness and the East End
Takanobu Tanaka, Shigeru Fujita, Ituyo Shimizu
Osaka Kyoiku Tosho 749 -60
- 書評:サラ・ワイズ著『塗りつぶされた町―ヴィクトリア朝英国のスラムに生きる』紀伊國屋書店
田中 孝信
図書新聞 3372 3面 - 「テキストを語る」Exploring the Globe through The Times and The Guardian
田中 孝信
大学教育 15 1 163 -165 - トマス・バーク『ライムハウスの夜』――中国人移民と異人種混淆
日本英文学会『第89回大会Proceedings』 287 -288 - カバーと扉絵に見るエロティックなヴィクトリア朝
田中 孝信
彩流社ホームページ「ほんのヒトコト」 - イーストの風に吹かれて
田中 孝信
週刊読書人 6 -6
Books etc
- Dickens and Gissing: Subterranean Similarities and Differences
TANAKA Takanobu
Joint work Osaka Kyoiku Tosho The Rise of the New Man: The Imbroglio over the New Relationship between Men and Women - Sexuality and Victorian Culture
TANAKA Takanobu
Joint Editor Sairyusha Everywhere and Nowhere: Sexuality in the Victorian Age, Chinese Immigrants in the East End: The Relations between Chinese Men and White Women in the Fin-de-Siecle Slum Fiction - 文芸禮讃―イデアとロゴス―
田中 孝信
Joint work 大阪教育図書 スラム小説に見る性の政治学―マーガレット・ハークネスとイーストエンド - ヴィクトリア朝の都市化と放浪者たち
田中 孝信
Joint Editor 音羽書房鶴見書店 放浪者への眼差し―その秘められた欲求 - Dickens in Japan: Bicentenary Essays
TANAKA Takanobu
Joint work Osaka Kyoiku Tosho An Ambivalent View of Vagrants in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain
- The Image of an Androgynous Gentleman in Charles Dickens' David Copperfield The 47th General Meeting of the Osaka City University English Literary Society
- Narrating Chinatown: The Seduction of "Oriental London" The Victorian Studies Society of Japan
- Arthur Morrison's Authorial Distance in A Child of the JagoA Child of the Jago the 45th General Meeting of Osaka City University English Literary Society
- Thomas Burke, Limehouse Nights: The Relations between Chinese Men and White Women The 2016 General Meetins of the Chugoku-Shikoku Branch of the The English Literary Society of Japan
- Sexual Politics in Slum Fiction: Margaret Harkness and the East End The 43th General Meeting of Osaka City University English Literary Society
Teaching experience
- 英米文学演習Ⅰ、Ⅳ (大阪市立大学文学部)
- 英米文学史Ⅱ (大阪市立大学文学部)
- 英文学研究Ⅱ、英文学研究演習2 (大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科)
Association memberships
- - Present: The English Literary Asssociation of Hiroshima University
- The English Literary Society of Osaka City University
- The English Literary Society of Japan, Kansai
- 日本ヴィクトリア朝文化研究学会
- ディケンズ協会(Dickens Society)
Research projects
- The Representation of Working-Class Children in the Late-Victorian Novel and Journalism
TANAKA Takanobu
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Osaka City University ( - ) - 19世紀英文学とジャーナリズムに見る〈新しい男〉像の生成と文化的・歴史的意義
田中 孝信
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) (一般) ( - ) - 19世紀英文学とジャーナリズムに見る〈新しい男〉像の生成と文化的・歴史的変遷
田中 孝信
日本学術振興会 基盤研究(C)(一般) ( - ) - A Historical and Cultural Study of the East End in Nineteenth-Century English LIterature and Journalism
TANAKA Takanobu
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) ( - ) - 19世紀英文学とジャーナリズムに見られるイースト・エンド像の歴史的・文化的研究
田中 孝信
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