

部署文学研究科 言語文化学専攻 英語英米文学専修
  • マンチェスター大学 博士
  • ダブリン大学・トリニティー校 修士


認知科学、歴史言語学、文化人類学, 文化人類学, 歴史言語学, 認知言語学


  • 人文・社会 / 文化人類学、民俗学 / 認知科学、歴史言語学、文化人類学
  • ライフサイエンス / 自然人類学 / 文化人類学
  • 人文・社会 / 英語学 / 類型論、歴史言語学


  • - 現在: 大阪公立大学 大学院文学研究科言語文化学科専攻 英語英文学専修 教授
  • - : 大阪市立大学 大学院文学研究科言語文化学科専攻 英語英文学専修 教授
  • - : 大阪市立大学 大学院文学研究科言語文化学専攻英語英米文学専修 准教授
  • - : 国際基督教大学 教養学部 アーツ・サイエンス学科心理学・言語学デパートメント言語学メジャー 客員上級准教授
  • Lund University Centre for Language and Literature, Centre for Cognitive Semiotics Researcher


  • : University of Manchester Dept of English and American Studies Linguistics
  • - : University of Manchester Department of English and American Studies English linguistics
  • : University of Dublin, Trinity College Centre for Lang. and Comm. Studies Linguistics
  • - : University of Dublin, Trinity College Faculty of Arts, Centre for language and communication studies Theoretical linguistics


  • Second Language Learning and Cultural Acquisition: New Perspectives (paperback version)
    共編者(共編著者) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • Second Language Learning and Cultural Acquisition: New Perspectives
    TOYOTA, Junichi
    共編者(共編著者) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • Vision beyond visual perception.
    TOYOTA, Junichi
    共編者(共編著者) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Sense of Emptiness: an interdisciplinary perspective
    TOYOTA, Junichi
    共編者(共編著者) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • The grammatical voice in Japanese: a typological perspective
    TOYOTA, Junichi
    単著 Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing


  • Adversité et voix grammaticale en matière de typologie et de langues indo-européennes.
    Junichi Toyota
    Jinbun Kenkyu/Studies in the Humanities 74 9 -34
  • Cultural acquisition and the formation of linguistic areas: a view from the Balkans and beyond
    Junichi Toyota
    In J. Toyota, I. Richards, B. Kovačević (eds.) Second Language Learning and Cultural Acquisition: New perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 65 -78
  • Cultural and cognitive differences in learnability: a view from anthropological linguistics
    Junichi Toyota
    In J. Toyota, I. Richards, B. Kovačević (eds.) Second Language Learning and Cultural Acquisition: New perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 8 -35
  • Uniformitarianism and ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in Indo-European languages
    Junichi Toyota
    In Natalija Panić Cerovski, Borko Kovačević, Milica Dinić Marinković (eds.) BeLiDa 1: Thematic collection of papers. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade 407 -419
  • On rid and the origin of the get-passive.
    Junichi Toyota
    Anali Filoloskog Fakulteta 33 215 -230


  • Ethical dative in forming the get-passive.
    TOYOTA, Junichi
    JELS: Papers from the 39th Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan 39 178 -181
  • The origin of the get-passive revisited.
    Junichi Toyota
    JELS: Papers from the 37th Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan 37 134 -138
  • Diachronic changes in expressions of perception in the English grammar.
    Junichi Toyota
    JELS: Papers from the 37th Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan 37 250 -255
  • Impact of Fundamental Linguistic Differences on Language Learning: Focusing on the English Grammar.
    Proceedings of JASFL 14 65 -71
  • 民族言語学から見た英語のdreamの話
    ことばの科学会研究 20 76


  • Dialectal variations and agent phrase in get-passive: a case of New Zealand English. The English literary society of Japan, Kaisai regional meeting
  • Ethonolinguistic approach to greetings in terms of language contact. International scientific conference “Philology without borders”, Vladivostok, Russia
  • Cognitive poetics の再考:神経言語学・心理言語学から見た言語学と文学の融合 ことばの科学会
  • Get-passive in terms of diachrony and dialectology: A case of New Zealand English. The English linguistic society of Japan 16th Spring forum
  • Archaism and dialectology from down under: the get-passive and the Kiwi English. ことばの科学会


  • Origin of the get-passive through replication, involving English dialects and other Germanic languages
    豊田 純一
    日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 基盤研究(C) 大阪市立大学 ( - )
  • Historical development of cognition and semiosis, Cognitive-semiotic typology
    The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation Research Grant Lund University, Centre for Cognitive Semiotics ( - )
  • English grammar: origin of peculiarities
    Lund University, Centre for Language and Literature Forskarassistent stipendium Lund University, Centre for Language and Literature ( - )