Front line of urban history research P01-08 – Lecture 8 (Final): Modern History IV “Contemporary Osaka: Some Thoughts to Conclude the Course” 26.02.201924.06.2020
Front line of urban history research P01-07 – Lecture 7: Modern History III “Big-Time Osaka” and the Urban Policies of Seki Hajime 22.01.201924.06.2020
Front line of urban history research P01-06 – Lecture 6: Modern History II “Light and Shadow in an Industrial City: The Back-Alley Tenements of Nipponbashi” 17.12.201824.06.2020
Front line of urban history research P01-05 – Lecture 5: Modern History I “Foreign Settlements and Brothel Districts as Windows on Osaka and the Meiji Restoration” 05.11.201824.06.2020
Front line of urban history research P01-00 – Introduction : Exploring the Frontiers of Urban History through Osaka 23.03.201824.06.2020