Undergraduate Faculty / Graduate School


Researcher NameAtsushi Kashiwagi
AffiliationRikkyo University
SectionDepartment of Education, College of Arts
  • Nihon University -

Research interests

日本教育史, 教育制度, 教育政策, 教育史, 教育学, Educational Policy


Research areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Sociology of education
  • Humanities & social sciences / Education - general / Japanese History of Education

Research experience

  • - Present: Rikkyo University College of Arts Department of Education 教授
  • - : Osaka City University Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Human Behavioral Sciences Course Professor
  • - : University of Hyogo School of Economics Dapartment of Applied Economics 准教授
  • - : 神戸商科大学商経学部/助教授


  • : 日本教育史研究奨励賞

Published papers

  • The Discussion and Deliberation about Reappraisal School Age in the Educational Investigation Committee (1913-1917)
    Atsushi Kashiwagi
    Studies in the History of Education 63 33 -46
  • 隔週定時制課程の設置と廃止——横山高等学校隔週定時制を中心として——
    柏木 敦
    近現代和泉市の調査・研究Ⅰ(和泉市史紀要) 28 37 -55
  • A Historical Study of Font and Type in Elementary School Textbooks before the Asia-Pacific War
    柏木 敦
    教育史フォーラム・京都 教育史フォーラム 12 12 1 -21
  • An Examination of the Commencement and Development of Parallel Class on Primary School in Japan
    柏木 敦
    日本教育史学会 日本教育史学会紀要 7 46 -69
  • Japanese Elementary Education Policies in the 1900's : Movements in the Localities and the Ministry of Education Concerning the Development of the Third Elementary School Order
    KASHIWAGI Atsushi
    Osaka City University 大阪市立大学 UrbanScope : e-journal of the Urban-Culture Research Center, OCU 6 27 -41


  • 歴史研究の「意義」の在処
    柏木 敦
    教育史学会 日本の教育史学 61 80 -82
  • 道徳授業案の系譜(1)
    柏木 敦
    研究資料 257 1 -56
  • 解題 : 「沿革史 更級郡庄内尋常小学校」について
    柏木 敦, 兵庫県立大学経済学部
    研究資料 232 I -X
  • 史料復刻 沿革史 更級郡荘内尋常小学校
    柏木 敦
    兵庫県立大学政策科学研究所研究資料 232 232 1 -31
  • 論評 (明治初期学資金をめぐる中央と地方--民会における合意形成を中心に)
    柏木 敦
    日本教育史研究会 日本教育史研究 29 35 -39

Books etc

  • 教職論
    津田, 徹, 広岡, 義之
    Contributor ミネルヴァ書房 第2章 教員養成の歴史
  • 和泉市の近現代
    和泉市史編さん委員会, 和泉市, 広川, 禎秀, 佐賀, 朝
    Contributor 和泉市,ぎょうせい (発売) 第4部第2章 小学校の誕生と展開 第4部第3章 戦後学校教育の展開と隔週定時制
  • 教育学年報11 教育研究の新章
    柏木 敦
    Joint work 世織書房 日本教育史 ―一九九〇年代から二〇一〇年代までの動向―
  • 日本教育史
    平田, 諭治
    Contributor ミネルヴァ書房 第3章 なぜ学校に行かなければならないのか
  • 教育史研究の最前線Ⅱ
    Contributor 六花出版

Association memberships

  • - Present: 日本教育史学会
  • The Japan Society of Archives Institutions
  • The Japan Socierty for Studies of education
  • Japan society for the Historical Studies of Education

Research projects

  • A empirical study on diversity of period to elementary school and school years of elementary education in Japan.
    Kashiwagi Atsushi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Osaka City University ( - )
  • A Study on the Fundamental Reorganization of Literacy in Japan Before and After Modernization
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Yokohama National University ( - )
  • Empirical Study on the Reorganization Policy of Compulsory Education System--Policy Processes of Extending Compulsory Education--
    KASHIWAGI Atsushi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) ( - )
  • A Historic Formation Process of the Literacy in Japan and Substantial Study on Transformation of the Learning
    OHTO Yasuhiro, YAKUWA Tomohiro, KIMURA Masanobu, KAWAMURA Hajime, OHTA Motoko, SUZUKI Rie, AMANO Haruko, KASIWAGI Atsushi, KARUB Katsuichiro, IKEDA Msanori, DAIMA Toshiyuki
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Yokohama National University ( - )
  • An empirical study on the formative process of educational policy before the Second World War in Japan.
    KASHIWAGI Atsushi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) University of Hyogo ( - )