Transnationalism and Migration in Global Korea : History, Politics, and Sociology, 1910 to the Present Hyewon Song Joint work Routledge 第七章 サハリンと日本の戦後コリアン・ディアスポラ:メディア・教育・芸術の比較分析Chapter 7. Post-War Korean Diasporas in Sakhalin and Japan: A Comparative Analysis of Media, Education and Arts
‘재일조선인여성’을 읽다 :재일조선인 1세 여성들을 가시화하기 위한 한 가지 시도 (「在日朝鮮人女性」を読む:在日朝鮮人一世女性を可視化するための一つの試み)(特別寄稿) Hyewon Song 女性文学研究(韓国) 56 82 -107
Zainichi Korean Women in JAPAN Break Their Silence(沈黙を破る在日朝鮮人女性たち) Hyewon Song The Funambulist 43 74 -76
The Literature of Migrant Women in the Postcolonial Period: On the Writings of First-Generation Korean Women in Japan Hyewon Song Urban Scope 13 15 -26
Representing Zainichi Korean Women: An Analysis of Novels by Male Compatriot Writers before the 1970s 宋恵媛 Korean Studies 10 4 -13
송혜원,양순주 옮김 「실종된 여성은 어디로 간 것일까-재일조선인 여성의 역사서술을 위하여정가제」『오늘의 문예비평』2022년 봄호(통권 124호), 2022년 03월 25일 오늘의문예비평 편집위원회 지음 | 오문비 | 2022년 03월 25일 출간 송혜원,양순주 옮 『오늘의 문예비평』 124 56 -78
Post−Soviet Sakhalin Koreans Hyewon Song コリアンスタディーズ 11 45 -63
Yulia Din, Sakhalin Koreans in the 21st Century: Completion of their Adaptation Process 宋恵媛 Journal of History, Geography and Cultural Anthropology, YAMAGATA UNIVERSITY 23 1 -20
David Roh「ヨンヒル・カン『イースト・ゴーズ・ウェスト』における科学的管理法 : 日米による朝鮮人労働者の構築」 宋恵媛 在日朝鮮人史研究 45 173 -200
Literacy, Literature, and Translation in the Korean Diaspora : A Comparative Cross-Cultural Study of Japan, US, and USSR during the Cold War Era 宋 恵媛 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Osaka University of Economics and Law ( - )