第10回 言語詩
今回は80年代に爆発的に巻き起こった前衛運動の「言語詩」"Language Poetry"を扱います。詩が言語芸術であることからして、そのような呼称は矛盾ではないかと考える人も多いと思われますが、実はそのように一般化した呼称は元々は『ラ=ン=ゲ=ー=ジ』 L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E (ed. by Bruce Andrews and Charles Bernstein) (1978-81)という雑誌に由来しています。特に The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E book (Eds. B. Andrews & C. Bernstein, Southern Illiois Univ. Press, 1985)、In the American Tree: Language, Poetry, Realism (Ed. Ron Silliman, National Poetry Foundation, 1986)、"Language" Poetries: An Anthology (Ed. Douglas Messerli, New Directions, 1987)、さらに Code of Signals: Recent Writings in Poetics (Ed. Michael Palmer, North Atlantic Books, 1983)や Artifice & Indeterminacy: An Anthology of New Poetics (Ed. Christopher Beach, The Univ. of Alabama Press, 1998)といった詞華集や詩論集が出版され、そのグループに属すると目される詩人たち(バーンスタイン [Charles Berntein, 1950-]、アンドリュース[Bruce Andrews, 1948-]、シリマン [Ron Silliman, 1946-]、マック=ロウ[Jackson Mac Low, 1922-]、ハウ[Susan Howe, 1937-]、クーリッヂ[Clark Coolidge, 1939-]、ヒージニアン[Lyn Hejinian, 1941-]、パールマー[Michael Palmer, 1943-]、ディ・パルマ[Ray DiPalma, 1943-]、アーマントルート[Rae Armantrout, 1947-]、インマン[P. Inman, 1947-]、ペレルマン[Bob Perelman, 1947-]、ウォッテン[Barret Watten, 1948-]等)の詩集が次々と出版されるにつれ、またすぐさま彼らの詩を擁護する批評・研究が現れるにつれ、その詩学の成功の如何は別にしても、一世を風靡した前衛運動であったと言って過言ではありません(このように書くとこの運動がすでに終息してしまったように聞こえますが、決してそうではありません)。
  En nZe eaRing ory Arms,
  Pallor pOn laUghtered laiNoureD Ent,
  aZure teR,
  tAwny Pping cOme d oUt r wiNg-
  preaD Et aZzle.
(Words nd Ends from Ez [New York: Avenue B, 1985]; quoted from Albert Gelpi, "The Genealogy of Postmodernism: Contemporary American Poetry" [The Southern Review, Summer 1990: 517-41], p. 529)
ではまず謎解きです。この引用部分ではあることをすれば、私たちも学んだ大詩人の名前が出て来ます・・・そうです。大文字になった部分だけを読めば、EZRAPOUNDEZRAPOUNDEZとなり、EZRA POUNDの繰り返しが読み取れます。そして詩人によると、それぞれの言葉の断片は実はパウンドの『キャントウズ』から採られているとあります。われわれも既に引用した第一歌冒頭をもう一度見てみると:
   And then went down to the ship...
とあり、まず、"e"の入った部分"[th]en"が現れます。それから(以下は順番が怪しくなり、極めて恣意的ですが、私が分かった部分だけでも示せば)、おそらく"nZe"と"eaRing"や "ory Arms"に続いて、
    . . . with shouting,
  Pallor upon me, cried to my men for more beasts;
という部分に現れたであろう "Pallor [u]pOn"があり、といった具合に続きます。なるほど、これは面白い言葉遊びだ、いや、パウンドの作品にもう一度光を当てることになる重要な実験だという肯定的な評価も現れるかもしれませんが、大概の読者は「マック=ロウの詩集を読む数少ない読者のうちでどれだけの者がそのからくりの謎解きをするのに全部で77頁もある中身に読み進む者がいようか」(Gelpi, p.529)という評者の言葉に共感してしまうのではと思われます。もちろん、マック=ロウの他の作品はそれぞれに異なった言語実験となっており、例えば、以下の(少し長めの)詩では散文詩的に流れる魅力ある言葉の使用となっていると思われます(特に訳したり解説などしませんので、皆さん、それぞれに「様々な意味」を抽出して味わってください。決して無駄な言葉遊びではないはずです)。
Various Meanings
The bottom of a green arras extends a vocabulary
whose rest is deep and boundless moving through space
and the stars. From time to time we lost the noise of an edge
where we were plagued by nocuous effects and then moved on
toward a dominant object. The gibbous moon
reminded him of a sad death before moving on toward planets
realized some twenty degrees high in the west. Wait
till the month of July. Slapped by a funeral
the reeds dead branches and watchful rodents
remained in the sky an entire evening as serious
snarls shrieked with amazement. Somewhat concrete proof
that you won't be disappointed at all. Above all
each ponderous birth advanced from the general area
of intercepted particles. What objection do you raise?
The choruses were willing and complete hours before
the imminent plan was announced. It failed to make
a correct approach. As large as it might have been
it was no more earnest than pleasurable childlike
instructions. Spilling out of their eyes they flew away.
They were never seen again. It is not possible. Be cheerful.
The current and coming crisis was informationally aggressive
toward the biology of entropy. Green water urged syllables.
It had abandoned its plan to end its decision
to build money and mercy. On the ground of honor
it was a region of wooded slopes in an endless pursuit
though some kind of lunatic thinks it's OK. Common sense
is quite consistent with the elements they adduce
which decreases their joy in clear sentences and handsome horses.
A glittering silver plan was beside the rowdy train
of history dilating pupils and recovering true goals
unnoticed in a cold blue brook. So I wrote down four
airs for fair and radiant maidens born to come again
and still hard to find. The same ones that wiped us out
disclosed sensible frustration examined or pursued.
Could you have been bewitched? They correlate with actions
forever. Could you gratify obedience? No different than
what you're wondering about in the form of lumps all of me
is comprised of gaping mud. One of the first things was an instrument
for sleep. What happens when glimmers feel they should
get together? Thinking spreads beyond foreknowledge of extension.
They had been involved in ponderous thought and native water
typical of complete sounds. Loops learn where to survive. They approach
admiration obliquely. Tenderness establishes a delegation
thinking every thought rising after a scanty breakfast. Ousted
he pushed good humor and was appallingly deserved. Slices
of heavy appetites went to grievous lengths. We're really in it.
Especially in consideration of things happening in the other heart
you are now ready. It is a good rainbow. Interdependence
in an unharvested sea is ancient and stale. It fits too well.
This example brings us softly together as we were in this case
after long being objects of scrutiny. We couldn't joke about that.
We rolled pies and sat down heavily when they branched visibly
at civilized experience. But now time is described. Otherwise
they'd have learned to see before research was completed. Entities
of a mystical bent are recorded in the deepest decline. Osiers are lost
and this is safe. Subsequently sleep spread locally. Today
importance was invasive and grabbed the jagged edges
of basically ungentle adjustments. In mountainous regions
they acquire carbon copies of dead blanks and authentic wild
systems translated into habitual voices and quiet devices
supplied with perpetual revisions urban elements integrate. Major functions
are currently being completed. Dwarfing anything previously
imagined their immediate and practical effect is a clear
and present danger. At certain times of day they defend the vice with vigor.
An extremely large matrix of equipment is only the tip of the iceberg
in the workplace. Only four states require piles of envelopes.
Facades allow corporate tape recorders to open hearts
at moments when glass cases grow boyhoods. Starving
variants found solutions in the snow buried betrayed
and exercising caution under a vital burden vague
and unsatisfied. Mental mouths agreed. With some
green flowers we wait amid paint and insecurity. We tingle
when things are done three times. Politely expressing antipathy
blankets discern processes. That's no good. A tense armor was brilliant
in a duality wrong side up. Monkeys unlock cruel doors. That noise
must frankly be admitted. Where to start senses birth.
Hours brought memories of concrete answers in prouder moments
essential to kisses. I regard the prospect of being spied on
as an opportunity to teach. You can't beat us with wires. A clear
mental state is frozen hard as a mattress. It's time now. Love
shouts in my ears where darkness and daylight touch and never return.
Rigid memories are finer than fixed postures. Red cedars
escape overnight. Morons mass near a memorandum.
Thousands taste bread and few describe procedures.
Isolating encrypted messages are only conditional targets and vice
versa. From plump individuals really severe dreaming is guided
unknowingly to the pavement by any means possible. We have
to prevent silent days. Primitive fathers are experienced as reminders.
And any divergence is due to a temporary confusion. Notice the cold lake
dropped shouting into the middle of an arctic waste. How
might that aid us? Hold on. It doesn't matter. We're prepared
sweet dark and intelligent. In a background where meanings are assured
monotonous platitudes become denizens of windless connotations.
Let's not be so fascinated with all those remote us's. Their way
is offered a third time. Nearer the end the city was preferable.
The phonograph was less mathematical than their tourmaline kingdoms.
Their enormous sentences were separate from teeth. Mental nature
was less annoying than intelligible benefits sparkling with
judgement. What palpitations were present! White senses rumble
in inexpressible leisure. Don't tell me about it. Injury is heartfelt
and radiant with vexation. Conscious pillows are disinclined
and new noises arise on bored ships stretching toward less dangerous spheres.
You know where they are and see their sinister vinegar smiling dully.
Winter's privacy is less ravenous. Would you dare to look beyond
that smooth daylight? Waddling overhead she heard his childish
laughter. Genius plundered willing sarcasm more whims overlooked
when tedious outsiders felt too free to be reminded of translations.
Variations of twangs forced medication. Cellular accidentals
induced benediction. I'd never have believed it. In two or three
months the manacles could not have been forgotten. Too much light.
22 April 1983
New York
(quoted from D. Messerli ed., "Language" Poetries, pp. 17-20)
Not this.
What then?
I started over & over. Not this.
Last week I wrote "the muscles in my palm so sore from
having the rump roast I cld barely grip the pen." What then?
This morning my lip is blistered.
Of about to within which. Again and again I began. The gray
light of day fills the yellow room in a way wch is somber. Not
this. Hot grease had spilld on the stove top.
Nor that either. Last week I wrote "the muscle at thumb's
root so taut from carving that beef I thought it wld cramp." Not
a. What then? Wld I begin? This morning my lip is tender, dis-
figured. I sat in an old chair out behind the anise. I cld have gone
about this some other way.
Wld it be different with a different pen? Of about to within
which what. Poppies grew out of the pile of old broken-up cement.
I began again & again. These clouds are not apt to burn off. The
yellow room has a sober hue. Each sentence accounts for its place.
Not this. Old chairs in the back yard rotting from winter. Grease
on the stove top sizzled & spat. It's the same, only different.
Ammonia's odor hangs in the air. Not not this.
(quoted from Silliman, ed. In the American Tree, p. 134)
引用の途中ですが、以上の箇所でどういった表現が「奇妙」ですか。そうです、言わんとしていることはつかめそうな感じがしますが、やはり、"Of about to within which."や "Of about to within which what."といった表現ですね。冒頭から、「これではない。では何が」といった具合に何とかしっくり来る文章を書こうとする詩人にとって「その文脈のなかで何についてなのか」と言いたいのでしょうが、文法的には破格な表現でしかありません(でも、これを "Within which it is about."や "What, to which, or of which is within."などとしてもかえってまどろっこしくなり、分かり難くなるでしょう)。ではもう少し続きを読んでみましょう。
Analogies to quicksand. Nor that either. Burglar's book. Last
week I wrote "I can barely grip this pen." White butterfly atop
the grey concrete.  Not so. Exactly. What then? What it means to
"fiddle with" a guitar. I found I'd begun. One orange, one white,
two gray. This morning my lip is swollen, in pain. Nothing's dis-
crete. I straddled an old chair out behind the anise. A bit a part a
like. I cld have done it some other way. Pilots & meteorologists
disagree about the sky. The figure five figures in. The way new
shoots stretch out. Each finger has a separate function. Like
choosing the form of one's execution.
 もうこれは単なるナンセンスの連続だと思う前に、くり返されるイメージや言葉を辿ると、やはりこれは創作行為への自己言及が語られていると思われます。実はさらに分からないまでに読み進むと、案の定というべきか、"Of about to within which what without."さらに "Of about under to within which what without."という表現が出てきます。こういった風にその奇妙な表現が増殖されると、逆にその意図が明らかになってくると思います。これは通常の語りに対する遮断、妨害、介入でしかないのだ、と。
このあたりから、彼らの詩を論ずる時に詩論もその射程に入れねばならない必要を感じるわけですが、敢えてここでは、やれ言語による政治的「転覆」("subversion: an antisystemic detonation": The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, p. 134)(アンドリュース)とか、「抵抗」("the resistence to any form of normative standardization": Ibid., p. 138)(バーンスタイン)とか、「階層性」の認識("social positionality of its audience and author": Ibid., p. 168)(シリマン)とか、「個人的構築」("composing from [the interior texture of language], personal and inclusive": Ibid., p. 30)(ヒージニアン)といった主張は考察の対象としないことにします。
Did a wind come just as you got up or were
you protecting me from it? I felt the abridgement
of imperatives, the wave of detours, the sabre- 
rattling of inversion. All lit up and no  
place to go. Blinded by avenue and filled with 
adjacency. Arch or arched at. So there becomes bottles, 
hushed conductors, illustrated proclivities for puffed-
up benchmarks. Morose or comatose. "Life is what 
you find, existence is what you repudiate." A good example
of this is "Dad pins puck." Sometimes something
sunders; in most cases, this is no more than a hall. 
No where to go but pianissimo (protection of market 
soaring). . . . 
The Sophist [Sun & Moon, 1986], p.44)
ここでも通常の散文的意味を構築しようとしても絶えず意味の分断や離接が起こり、あまり成功するようには思えません。むしろ何度も口づさんでは微妙に差異化された音の戯れ(例えば、"Arch or arched at."というような長母音と短母音の差異)にその意味を探る方法しかないようにも思えます。その音響的なアイロニー効果によって倒錯的あるいは閉塞的な像しか結ばず、既に論じたアシュベリの詩のように個人から出発したドラマの終焉というのでなく、例えば、ドルーズ・ガタリの『アンチ・オイディプス』(1972)で言及された細分化され分裂症的に反復された資本主義社会の形といったような文脈を感じさせるでしょう。(おそらく読者としての我々はバーンスティンの理論的な著作(例えば、Content's Dream: Essays 1975-1984 [Sun & Moon, 1986])で展開される作詩論、認識論、現代社会批判や他のランゲージ詩人のものとも異なる徴候(哲学性、諧謔性、軽妙な語り口やユートピア的ヴィジョン)を見出しながら意味構築をせざるをえません。またこの詩においてはタイトルの註にある「先天性脳機能不全」が「縫い合わせ失敗」という作詩法への自己言及になっていること(先天性脳機能不全の患者の喋る言葉のように、絶えず、無関係と思える文章が断続的に継続している様は説明を欠いた意図的な縫い合わせ失敗となること)を認識する必要が生じるでしょう。さらにはアシュベリの詩における拡散的レトリックとは対照的な意味の収斂が、例えば、「命令文の縮約形、迂回の波、逆転のサーベル音」といった表現においてそれはみられますが、それぞれがおそらく具体的に言及するであろう手短な命令口調や迂回表現、辛辣な非難といった言葉や仕草は高度に凝縮しており、現代都市生活者が日々微妙に感じる寓意的存在としての分断性、精神性をはぎ取られた機械的物質的な存在意識が感じられます。特に十八世紀古典派詩の風刺性に似た頓呼的表現(「すべては点灯され、行く場所がない」に加え、「内容の夢」"Content's / dream." [p. 45]、「終わりなきかき鳴らし」"Endless strummer." [p. 46]、「フェリーの艦隊は永遠に陽気に」"A fleet of ferries, forever merry." [p. 50]といった表現があります)にしても、それらに込められた意味や問題は、単なる作詩上の問題にとどまらず詩の主題に関わる形而上性をもっているようです。)
Time wounds all heals, spills through
with echoes neither idea nor lair
can jam. The door of your unfolding
starts like intervening vacuum, lush
refer to accidence or chance of
lachrymose fixation made
mercurial as the tors in crevice lock
dried up like river made the rhymes
to know what ocean were unkempt
or hide's detain the wean of
hide's felicity depend.
(quoted from "Language" Anthology, p. 155)
以上の訳文はほとんど意味を成しません。数ある意味が接合的に文脈から規定されることがないので一つの単語に付随する意味ならどんな訳語でも充当可能であるからです。最初の文章からして文法的には変ではあります。普通、複数形の主語("time wounds")なら、"heal"となるべきだし、"all"でかろうじて一纏めにして単数扱いにしても、その後が意味的に成立しません("neither idea nor lair / can jam"の先行詞を常識的に "echoes"だとしてもその「観念」や「寝床」が「積み込む」「木霊」という意味構築は通常の散文的意味からは逸脱です)。しかし、ある程度文法を破り、「意味」の構築を強引に行おうとすれば、若干の比喩的意味が成立するかもしれません。「観念」が「積み込む」のは「木霊」であっても「時の傷」であってもよいならば、「寝床」にしてもその後に出てくる「獣皮」との関連でなんらかの意味を獲得するはずです。"lush"という形容詞と直接 "refer to"という述語表現をどう読めばよいのか。これもあまり統語的関係にこだわることなく、例えば、"lushly / referring to. . ."という風に読んでみて、あるいは命令文と考えてみて(訳文ではそうしました)、いずれも全体的には「おまえの開いた扉は介入する空虚のように始まり」という主文の補足説明だと思えば、「涙もろい固定化の機会」はある程度意味が出てきます。髪の「ふさ」とか「ぼさぼさ」とか、「幼児」が「依存する」といった単語の織りなすなかにどういう一筋の論理を構築するかは読者次第であるとも思えます。ここにテーマとしての別離とか愛着とか、そもそも何故「おまえ」という題名になっているのか、を考えることがこの詩の体験であるはずです。
スティーヴンズの詩を読んでいた時の非(超)論理が幾重にも増幅されて展開しているように見えるので、安易な解読などあきらめてしまう方も多いと思いますが、もう少しこの派に属する(女性)詩人の作品を声に出して読むだけでも行いたく存じます。以下の引用はハウという詩人の自らの詩集『信頼のヨーロッパ』The Europe of Trusts (Sun & Moon, 1990)を紹介する序文です(しかし、この序文自体が散文詩となっています:文章は平易なので訳はしません)。
For me there was no silence before armies.
I was born in Boston Massachusetts on June 10th, 1937, to
an Irish mother and an American father. My mother had
come to Boston on a short visit two years earlier. My
father had never been to Europe. She is a wit and he was a
scholar. They met at a dinner party when her earring
dropped into his soup.
By 1937 the Nazi dictatorship was well-established in
Germany. All dissenting political parties had been liqui-
dated to hold political prisoners. The Berlin-Rome axis was a
year old. So was the Spanish Civil War. On April 25th
Franco's Lufftwaffe pilots bombed the village of Guer-
nica. That November Hitler and the leaders of his armed
forces made secret plans to invade Austria, Czechoslo-
vakia, Poland, and Russia.
In the summer of 1938 my mother and I were staying with
my grandmother, uncle, aunt, great-aunts, cousins, and
friends in Ireland, and I have just learned to walk, when
Czechoslovakia was dismembered by Hitler, Ribbentrop,
Mussoini, Chamberlin, and Daladier, during the Con-
ference and Agreement at Munich. That October we
sailed home on a ship crowded with refugees fleeing
various countries in Europe.
When I was two the German army invaded Poland and
World War II began in the West.
The fledgling Republic of Ireland distrusted England
with good reason, and remained neutral during the
struggle. But there was the Battle of the Atlantic to be
won, so we couldn't cross the sea again until after 1945.
That half of the family was temporarily cut off.
In Buffalo New York, where we lived at first, we seemed
to be safe. We were there when my sister was born and
the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
Now there were armies in the west called East.
American fathers marched off into the hot Chronicle of
global struggle but mothers were left. Our law-professor
father, a man of pure principles, quickly included vio-
lence in his principles, put on a soldier suit and disap-
peared with the others into the thick of the threat to the
east called West.
B u f f a l o
12. 7. 41
(Late afternoon light.)
(Going to meet him in snow.)
(Comes through the hall door.)
The research of scholars, lawyers, investigators, judges
(With her arms around his neck
Herod had all the children murdered!
It is dark
The floor is ice
they stand on the edge of a hole singing -
In Rama
Rachel weeping for her children
to be comforted
because they are not.
Malice dominates the history of Power and Progress.
History is the record of winners. Documents were written
by the Masters. But fright is formed by what we see not
by what they say.
From 1939 until 1946 in news photographs, day after day
I saw signs of culture exploding into murder. Shots of
children being herded into trucks by hideous helmeted
conquerors -shots of the emaciated bodies of Jews dumped into
mass graves on top of more emaciated bodies -nameless
numberless men women and children, uprooted in a
world almost demented. God had abandoned them to
history's sovereign Necessity.
If to see is to have a distance, I had so many dead
Innocents distance was abolished. Substance broke loose
from the domain of time and obedient intention. I became
part of the ruin. In the blank skies over Europe I was
Strife represented.
Things overlap in space and are hidden. Those black and
white picture shots -moving or fixed- were a subver-
sive generation. "The hawk, with his long claws / Pulled
down the stones. / The dove, with her rough bill /
Brought me them home."
Buffalo roam in herds
up the broad streets connected by boulevards
and fences
their eyes are ancient and a thousand years
too old
hear murder throng their muting
Old as time in the center of a room
doubt is spun
and measured
Throned wrath
I know your worth
a chain of parks encircles the city
Pain is nailed to the landscape in time. Bombs are seeds of
Science and the Sun.
2,000 years ago the dictator Creon said to Antigone who
was the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta: "Go to the
dead and love them."
Life opens into the conceptless perspectives. Language sur-
rounds Chaos.
During World War II my father's letters were a sign he
was safe. A miniature photographic negative of his
handwritten message was reproduced by the army
and a microfilm copy forwarded to us. In the top left-
hand corner someone always stamped PASSED BY
This is my historical consciousness. I had not choice in it.
In my poetry, time and again, questions of assigning the
cause of history dictate the sound of what is thought.
 Summary of fleeting summary
 Pseudonym cast across empty
 Peak proud heart
 Majestic caparisoned cloud cumuli
 East sweeps hewn flank
 Scion on a ledge of Constitution
 Wedged sequences of system
 Causeway of faint famed city
 Human ferocity
 Dim mirror Naught formula
 archaic hallucinatory laughter
 Kneel to intellect in our work
 Chaos cast cold intellect back
Poetry brings similitude and representation to configura-
tions waiting from forever to be spoken. North Ameri-
cans have tended to confuse human fate with their own
salvation. In this I am North American. "We are coming
Father Abraham, three hundred thousand more, " sang
the Union troops at Gettysburg.
I write to break out into perfect primeval Consent. I wish
I could tenderly lift from the dark side of history, voices
that are anonymous, slighted -inarticulate.
(pp. 9-14)
以上の跋文ではまず、父親の出征にいたる世界状況をまとめ、それを「バッファロー 1941年12月7日」で始まる韻文(問答詩)と対比させています。ヘロデ王の嬰児虐殺の故事に引喩された戦争の恐怖はさらにナチスによる大量殺戮の報道写真へと増幅されるなかで、語りの文章は寓意的な「歴史の主たる必要」や「かくも多くの無垢」といった抽象観念の登場を含み、再び今度は「バッファローは群れをなしてさまよい」に始まる韻文へと展開します(最初のバッファローが地名でその次が普通名詞となっています)。オイディプス王の悲劇に言及するなか、父親の戦地からの手紙やそれを昇華するような詩句が続き、北米の救済思想へも言及してこの意味ありげな跋文を締めくくるわけですが、このように自由に散文と韻文を行き来するプロセスを垣間見た読者は極めて自然に最初の「パール・ハーバー」と題された詩群に移行するのではないかと思われます。
そこで最初の本(詩集『信頼のヨーロッパ』は実は『ピタゴラスの沈黙』(Pythagorean Silence, 1982)、『プラハ窓外放出事件』(Defenestration of Prague, 1983)『さまざまな自由』(The Liberties, 1983)の三冊をまとめたものです)の題辞は以下のようになっています。
we that were wood
when that a wide wood was
In a physical Universe playing with
Bark be my limbs my hair be leaf
Bride be my bow my lyre my quiver
こういった言葉の連続を読むだけでも、もうハウの詩の虜となるか、本を「窓の外へ放り出す」かで、この派の詩人たちの実験にどういう反応を我われ自身示すかになりますが、実に、英米の詩がこういった極めてリズミカルでその上、かくも断片化した言葉であったのはパウンドたちがやろうとした1920年代のイマジズム、あるいはもっと古くはウィリアム・ブレイク(William Blake, 1757-1827)の『無垢と経験の歌』(Songs of Innocence and of Experience, 1794)のような予言詩以来、久しぶりではあります(わたし自身は、彼女の新鮮な詩的感性に驚き、虜となった次第です)。
そこでハウの詩は再び、先程の跋文("Buffalo / 12. 7. 41 / . . ."で始まる "HE"と"SHE"の対話文)が続きます。しかし、彼女の言語詩が面白いのはその後からです。
(her cry
of names
says we are all in Hell.)
GHOST enters   WAVES   he
scatters flowers
from the summit
of a cliff that beckons on or beetles o'er
his base
MAGPIES clatter
1  2  3
         and TALKATIVE
(Walks all this time by himself saying
he says to me softly )
(以上pp. 22-23)
引用の途中ですが、いかがですか。このように彼女の詩は頁をおよそカンヴァスに見立て、絵の具を塗りたくる視覚詩(visual poetry)でもあります。まず、"R"は何を表すのか。(跋文で引用され、すぐその前にくり返される)"SHE"のセリフに "Rachel weeping for her children"とありましたから、"Rachel"の省略とするのが順当でしょうが、籠もるような "r"音が大きく発音されたと読んでも差し支えないと思います。でも視覚的にも聴覚的にも重要なのはやはり、この単語の配置の仕方あるいは空白です。括弧のなかでしか聞かれないようなレイチェルの叫び声は戦火の轟きに対する女性たちの声にならない声であり、逆に「事物と引き替えの名前の言葉すべてを沈黙させる」企ては他の一切の事象を沈黙させるべく空白となっています。すぐその下では再び括弧で「そしてオシャベリになって、私たちは皆地獄にいると彼女は言う」とあります。次の頁では「セイレイが入ってくる ナミとなって 彼は 花を断崖の頂からばらまくが その壁は招き寄せ あるいは彼の壺の上にはカブトムシが   イノリを  邪悪な扉よ 邪悪な扉よ  カササギがけたたましく啼く   いっち にい さん  するとオシャベリになって (このあいだ中、彼は一人で歩きながら喋る 私に優しく言うのだった・・・)  何と言ったの」という具合にさまざまに断片的イメージと途切れ途切れの音声が挿入される空間はまさに言葉によるカンディンスキー絵画のようです。*
*「最も美的なことは言葉が遮る前の頁」という自身の言葉について、ミニマル・アーティストのマレヴィッチ(Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935)のいう「創作における純粋感情の絶対性(シュプレマティスム)」を引き合いに出して説明するインタビュー記事("An Interview with Susan Howe: Conducted by Lynn Keller" Contemporary Literature XXXVI, 1 [1995])を参照。
sway in cauled forgetfulness
  and setting free
LAW the laws
          to be obeyed
soon forgotten
moves home again ―
is herself again ―
Learning in enclitic ne
         I cannot
call presence and in its
               fold in one hand
a few 
            holds us to
   Hear earth born old
   no name or mane  but nick
   in time
   and clock
   a foil for future
   to Pale
   with face for fool
   'Hollow hollow holds all'
   Faintly the scene is played
   snow spread on sound
   skip pebbles in secret also
   drawn and drawn together
   mirrors thaw
   only  Only
   what never stops hurting remains
   in memory
   In memory
   Errant turns to
   and away
   twin half torn to pearl
   not a sparrow
   shall fall
   Spires cast long shadows
   clouds pass
   and sink into prayer on a spire
   Buffalo roam in herds
   up the broad streets connected by boulevards
   and fences
   their eyes are ancient and a thousand years
   too old
   hear murder throng their muting
   Old as time in the center of a room
   doubt is spun
   and measured
   Throned wrath
   I know your worth
   a chain of parks encicles the city
   Snow coming and beauty of long shadows tumbling
   on every oak pine juniper beech birch
   and other sweet wood  (holly)
My bones are buffalo and shake their manes
like chaff before earth
lasting to everlasting
for floods have lifted up their waves
heaven and evening are running on the sand
invisible and peace come spilling  softly
like snow
February seems
clarity of frozen  Chance
veiled as ever February ends
will go north through woods to the wood hoo
to call
what name?
Abstractions of the world's abstraction
warm my icy feet
Who is  my shepherd
and outside
shape (sheep) impossible hope
by the still waters
Ah invisible
set nimble clocks at every station
constellations of duration
The stress of meaning
in an empty place with clowns
in crowns
sorrows are sectors
with actors
Running  Tell the running
at rest
or in motion
Chance will shove you
shade or shine
Space steps into breath
Breadth into will
will into target (trees)
targets are tender trees
Forever and for
winds away  Look
Broods infinity boundless
into axioms  accurate
as air (refraction) water
Transcendent could be whis
Or as snow fallen
Could be cold snow
Lie down in snow
Do nothing
but Wrong
A sea beast sunning alone
in still
shared secrets of the sea
the Open
power of vision  a vast
or zest for action
an idea  an Ideal
shrugged into shade
or shoal
Once again
is erratic   will
morning star evening star will
and swim   and sink again
between rupture and rapture
severed from Soul  drowned
Mother and father
turn downward your face
peace in the basement
all the dogs chained
Shadows are seated at the kitchen table
and shadow of a Clock
A black cloud hangs over the landscape
some war
Only the fist of fame passing  degrees
of wilderness
of cause  it is the cause
The doors of the fortress are open
engaged couples
buried in epochs of armor
exhibit themselves
They had hoped to prolong human life
by several centuries
but did not live to do so
Their words are weeds wrapped round my head
Roses have withered it grows rigidly dark
Body and Soul
will we ever leave childhood together
(以上、pp. 24-32)
ハウの詩の人気の秘密は19世紀に創作し、20世紀になって「発見」されたエミリィ・ディキンスン(Emily Dickinson, 1830-86)の詩のように、高度にプライベートで硬質な言語の詩の復活に由来するとも思われますが、なるほど、彼女はその独創的な研究書(My Emily Dickinson [North Atlantic Books, 1985])によっても知られています。
もう一人、女性詩人を扱うことにします。ヒージニアンの詩は以下の引用だけでも彼女の「署名」が消しがたく記されていることが分かります。日記風の散文詩という体裁の代表作の一つ『わたしの生活』My Life (Sun & Moon, 1980)の冒頭の一節です。
  A pause, a rose,    A moment yellow, just as four years
something on paper  later, when my father returned home
          from the war, the moment of greeting
          him, as he stood at the bottom of the
          stairs, younger, thinner than when he
          had left, was purple though
          moments are no longer so colored.
Somewhere, in the background, rooms share a pattern of
small roses. Pretty is as pretty does. In certain families, the
meaning of necessity is at one with the sentiment of pre-
necessity. The better things were gathered in a pen. The win-
dows were narrowed by white gauze curtains which were
never loosened. Here I refer to irrelevance, that rigidity which
never intrudes. Hence, repetitions, free from all ambition.
The shadow of the redwood trees, she said, was oppressive.
The plush must be worn away. On her walks she stepped into
people's gardens to pinch off cuttings from their geraniums
and succulents. An occasional sunset is reflected on the win-
dows. A little puddle is overcast. If only you could touch, or,
even, catch those gray great creatures. I was afraid of my un-
cle with the wart on his nose, or of his jokes at our expense
which were beyond me, and I was shy of my aunt's deafness
who was his sister-in-law and who had years earlier fallen into
the habit of nodding, agreeably. Wool station. See lightning,
wait for thunder. Quite mistakenly, as it happened. Long
time lines trail behind every idea, object, person, pet, vehicle,
and event. The afternoon happens, crowded and therefore
endless. Thicker, she agreed. It was a tic, she had the habit,
and now she bobbed like my toy plastic bird on the edge of its
glass, dipping into and recoiling from the water. But a word is
a bottomless pit. It became magically pregnant and one day
split open, giving birth to a stone egg, about as big as a foot-
ball. In May when the lizards emerge from the stones, the
stones turn gray, from green. When daylight moves, we
delight in distance. The waves rolled over our stomachs, like
spring rain over an orchard slope. Rubber bumpers on rubber
cars. The resistance on sleeping to being asleep. In every
country is a word which attempts the sound of cats, to match
an inisolable portrait in the clouds to a din in the air. But the
constant noise is not an omen of music to come. "Everything
is a question of sleep," says Cocteau, but he forgets the shark,
which does not. Anxiety is vigilant. Perhaps initially, even
before one can talk, restlessness is already conventional,
establishing the incoherent border which will later separate
events from experience. Find a drawer that's not filled up.
That we sleep plunges our work into the dark. The ball was
lost in a bank of myrtle. I was in a room with the particulars
of which a later nostalgia might be formed, an indulged
childhood. They are sitting in wicker chairs, the legs of which
have sunk unevenly into the ground, so that each is sitting
slightly tilted and their postures make adjustment for that.
The cows warm their own barn. I look at them fast and it
gives the illusion that they're moving. An "oral history" on
paper. That morning this morning. I say it about the psyche
because it is not optional. The overtones are a denser shadow
in the room characterized by its habitual readiness, a form of
charged waiting, a perpetual attendance, of which I was
thinking when I began the paragraph, "So much of childhood
is spent in a manner of waiting."
一つのセクションがある詩句によって導かれ、それぞれが日記風に書かれていますが、時々そして急激に、意味不明の文章が挿入されます。そもそも 1978 年に37才になったのを記念して、37個の文から成る37のセクションを書き出したそうですが(Ibid., 116)、なにやら自伝的な題材を実験的に再構築する試みが感じられます。上記の引用文でも、ガートルード・スタインの有名な "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose."という言葉("Lifting Belly")に因んだであろう「バラ」への言及(名辞の反復による意味の拡大)に続いて、"Pretty is as pretty does."という極めてユニークな文が登場します。何となく意味が分かるようでもありながら、およそ通常の文の構造をとっていないために読者は立ち止まらざるを得ません。つまり、「一つの休止、一つのバラ、紙の上の何か」という語句の実践です。そしてすぐさま、"In certain families, the meaning of necessity is at one with the sentiment of prenecessity."とか "The better things were gathered in a pen."というおよそ無関係と思われたり、その意味が多分に不明な文が続くのです。そうかと思えば、「決して解かれたことのない薄い白カーテンによって窓が狭まれている」とあって、作者自身、「ここで私は無関係なことに言及する」と説明、つまり、創作行為への自己言及があります。このように自伝的な日記の文章のあいだに絶えず過去を再構築というか、脱構築させる文が挟まる構造をとっていて、そういった真意は題辞の詩的テーマの追求のほかにないのではないでしょうか。(以下も様々な仕掛けによってその詩的意味は拡がっていきますが、これ以上は繰り返し、音読することによって、皆さん各自で解読を行い、自身の「日誌」構築の助けとするのがよいと思います。)