Researcher Name | Madoka Hori |
Web site | |
Affiliation | 大阪公立大学 |
Research interests
Symbolist Movement, Modern Japan, Japanese Literature, Mysticism, Nationalism and Racialism, Asia, Modernism, Comparative Literature and Culture, Boundary, Translation Studies
more(10)Research areas
- Humanities & social sciences / Literature - General / Japanology
- Humanities & social sciences / Literature - Japanese / Modern Japanese Literature
- Humanities & social sciences / Literature - General / Japanese Studies, Comparative Literature and Culture
Research experience
- - Present: International Research Center for Japanese Studies Visiting Professor
- - Present: Osaka Metropolitan University 文学研究科 文化構想学専攻 アジア文化コース Professor
- - Present: International Research Centre for Japanese Studies Team Project Researcher
- - : Osaka City University Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Department of Cultural Management Associate Professor
- - : Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Asian Culture and Literature Associate Professor
- : The 34th Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities サントリー財団
Books etc
- A Companion to Comparative Literature & Culture
Madoka HORI
Contributor Tokyo Univ. Press Creative Writing and Language Crossing: Are Multilingual Writers Rare? - War and Requiem
Madoka HORI
Contributor Koyoshobo Requiem and Survivor's Guilt in Post-War Japan: The Expressions of Two Poets who experienced Siberian internment - Japanese Literature by Missionaries:Works and List of Catalogue
Madoka HORI
Contributor 勉誠出版 「キリスト教と禅ーエノミヤ=ラサールのふるさと」 - Theosophy and Asia: The ”East” from the West
Contributor 青弓社 Japanese Who Encountered Esoteric Thought in the USA - Yone Noguchi and "Mystical" Japan
Madoka HORI
Single work Izumi Shoin
Published papers
- The Relation Between The Sasaki Shigetsu's Poetry and Zen : The poetry collection “Nostalgia”[郷愁] and Contemporary Reviews
Madoka HORI
南山宗教文化研究所研究所報 34 42 -72 - A List of Buddhists in the United States in the First Half of the 20th Century: Findings from the Records of Japanese Buddhist Overseas Ministers in the 1930's
Masayo SUEMURA, Madoka HORI
KINDAI BUKKYO (Modern Buddhism) 29 136 -147 - World Literature and the Local: Yone Noguchi and Poetry - a Chicago Journal of Verse
Madoka Hori
Reading Japanese Literature as World Literature 1 -17 - Yone Noguchi’s Introduction of Noh and Kyogen to the West and East
Madoka Hori
Urban Scope(e-journal of the Urban-Culture Research Center, OCU) 9 1 -18 - “A Special Attack Corps” and Media Literacy
Madoka Hori
国際日本文化研究センター Japanese Studies Around the World2017 —Japanese Studies from International Perspectives 2017 54 -62
- 書評、西成彦著『ラフカディオ・ハーンの耳、語る女たち』
熊本日日新聞 - Yone Noguchi's Critique of the Japonisme Current
Madoka HORI
Madama Butterfly (Programme of opera performances) 30 -34 - 翻訳/「岩に蓮を支えてー佐々木指月自伝」(6 - 7)
末村正代, 堀まどか
『光』2024年5月(1237),pp.27-33. 7月(1239),pp.33-38. 1237 27 -33 - Translation; Holding the Lotus to the Rock.
堀まどか, 末村正代
『光』2023年6月 (1226) 33-40, 8月 (1228) 33-37, 11月 (1231) 34-40, 12月 (1232) 31-37 1226 33 -40 - Translation; Holding the Lotus to the Rock.
堀まどか, 末村正代
光 1225 34 -40
- The USA for Yonejiro Noguchi 8th Annual Conference of the Yone Society.
- The distance between Yonejiro Noguchi and Ezra Pound : Hokku, English Poetry and the Translation of Noh in the Modernist Thought 45th Annual Conference of the Ezra Pound Association of Japan.
- 佐々木指月の文芸と、禅の布教を超えるもの 世界宗教会議と仏教のグローバル化をめぐる諸相
- Yone Noguchi's HOKKU 第三四回山口県現代俳句大会
- Sokei-an's quest for Nature: Eastern thoughts and the American landscape. Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia -
Association memberships
- European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS)
- 国際比較文学会 (ICLA)
- Yone Noguchi Society
- Japanese Association for Religious Studies
Committee memberships
- - Present: 幹事 日本比較文学会関西支部
- - : 令和3年度すみよしの魅力PR補助金選定委員 大阪市住吉区
- - : 評議員 寿城区文化財団文化推進(韓国・大邱広域市)
- - : 評議員 升水記念市民図書館こどもブックサービス
Research projects
- A Integrative Study of early American 'Zen' missionary work and modernist literature: Shigetsu Sasaki and the First Zen Institute of America,in NYC
KAKEN Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Osaka Metropolitan University ( - ) - From Japanese "Zen" to Global Zen: The Globalization of Zen through International Conferences in Religious and Cultural History
守屋 友江, 吉永 進一, 末木 文美士, 長尾 佳代子, 奥山 直司, 奥山 史亮, 末村 正代, 荘 千慧, 堀 まどか, Conway Michael, 杉本 良男, 飯島 孝良, 安藤 礼二
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Hannan University ( - ) - The Blending and Spreading of the Poetics and Religions: Cultural Exchange Centering on Shigetsu Sasaki
堀 まどか
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Osaka City University ( - ) - "Utsuwa" and "Utsushi": Toward the Renewal of Aesthetic Categories for Art and Reproduction Techniques in the Information Age
INAGA Shigemi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) International Research Center for Japanese Studies ( - ) - A Comparative Literature Study on Theosophical Movement and its Pan-Asian Cultural Intercourse; the Conflict between the Harmony of the East and the West and the Surmounting Nationalism
Ando Reiji
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Tama Art University ( - )