Researcher Name | Kohei Uchimaru |
Affiliation | 大阪公立大学 |
Research interests
Shakespeare and Education, History of English Teaching in Japan, Okakura Yoshisaburô, Shakespeare
Research areas
- Humanities & social sciences / Literature - British/English-languag
Research experience
- - Present: Osaka Metropolitan University Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences Associate Professor
- - Present: Tsuda College Institute for Research in Language and Culture 客員研究員
- - : Doshisha University Faculty of Global and Regional Studies 非常勤講師
- - : 大阪市立大学 文学研究科 言語文化学専攻 英語英米文学専修 准教授
- - : The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences 非常勤講師
- - : The University of Birmingham The Shakespeare Institute
- - : The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Culture and representation
- - : The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Culture and representation
Committee memberships
- - : 大会準備委員 The English Literary Society of Japan
- - : Editor of Shakespeare Studies Shakespeare Society of Japan
- - : Editor in Chief Shakespeare Society of Japan
- - : Shakespeare Studies General Editor Shakespeare Society of Japan
- : The Toyo Best Education Award Toyo University
- : The 25 Fukuhara Award for the Rising Scholar of English
Published papers
- Competing for Supremacy: The Origins of Shakespeare Studies in Japan
Kohei Uchimaru
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance 27 125 -141 - The Japanese preoccupation with Osamu Dazai in the twenty-first century
Kohei Uchimaru
Cahiers Élisabéthains 111 1 16 -29 - Yoshisaburô Okakura and the Practical Value of the Study of English in Secondary Schools in Early Twentieth-Century Japan
Kohei Uchimaru
Policies and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching: 20th-century Historical Perspectives - Sôseki Natsume as a Shakespeare Scholar: From 'On the Ghost of Macbeth' to 'Dr Tsubouchi and Hamlet'
シェイクスピアとの往還―日本シェイクスピア協会創立六〇周年記念論集 - Teaching and Studying Shakespeare in Higher Education in Early Twentieth Century Japan
Kohei Uchimaru
Shakespeare in East Asian Education
- Theatre Review:Tenpô 12 nen no Sheikusupia (Shakespeare in the 12th Year of Tempô), dir. by Shuntarô Fujita
Kohei Uchimaru
Shakespeare Studies 59 49 -51 - シェイクスピアは英語教材だった!:中等学校英語教科書におけるシェイクスピア受容の通時的考察
内丸 公平
学術文化紀要 33 168 -170 - シェイクスピアからチェーホフへのモビリティ――遊園地再生事業団プロデュース『モーターサイクル・ドン・キホーテ』」
内丸 公平
シアターアーツ 秋 84 -86 - 『タイタス・アンドロニカス』に於ける形式の美学――蜷川幸雄演出『タイタス・アンドロニカス』
内丸 公平
シアターアーツ 夏 76 -78
Books etc
- Policies and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching: 20th-century Historical Perspectives
Joint work Amsterdam University Press Yoshisaburô Okakura and the Practical Value of the Study of English in Secondary Schools in Early Twentieth-Century Japan - シェイクスピアとの往還―日本シェイクスピア協会創立六〇周年記念論集
Joint work 研究社 シェイクスピアを教える夏目漱石 ―「マクベスの幽霊に就て」から「坪内博士と『ハムレット』」へ - Shakespeare in East Asian Education
Kohei Uchimaru
Joint work Palgrave Teaching and Studying Shakespeare in Higher Education in Early Twentieth Century Japan - The Green Fuse and the Green Garden: Festschrift in Honour of Hiroto Iwanaga
Joint work 音羽書房鶴見書店 Embodying Shakespeare in Japanese Schools Shifting Biographical Images in Locally Produced English Textbooks
- 書評発表:Charles LaPorte's The Victorian Cult of Shakespeare: Bardology in the Nineteenth Century 関西シェイクスピア研究会
- Shakespeare, Education, and Freedom in Modern Japan Shoreline Shakespeares: 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Shakespeare Association -
- How Shakespeare became Japanese Bunraku: The Case of the Adaptation of The Tempest 大阪公立大学文学部特別授業「上方文化講座2024」
- The Global Spread of the English Cult of Shakespeare in Schools BSA 2024 Conference: ‘Shakespeare’s Writing Lives’ -
- Anthologising ‘Shakespeare for Children’ in Secondary-School EFL Textbooks in Modern Japan The ANZSA Conference: “Shakespeare Beyond All Limits” -
Teaching experience
- - Present: English Seminar (Doshisha University)
- - Present: Advanced Studies and Seminar in English Literature 3 for Postgraduate Students (Osaka City University)
- - Present: ASeminar in English Literature II (Osaka City University)
- - Present: Comprehensive Studies in English and American Literature for Postgraduate Students (Osaka City University)
- - Present: Sophomore English (Osaka City University)
Association memberships
- International Shakespeare Association
Research projects
- 2024年度 基盤研究(C)(一般)英国国民教育形成期の学校教科書におけるシェイクスピア表象と崇拝に関する研究
( - ) - Cultural Mobilization of Shakespeare in Japan in the 1930s and 1940s
2021年度 基盤研究(C) ( - )
- : 公大授業 今を生きるシェイクスピア-『ロミオとジュリエット』を読む
- : インターナショナル・シアター・アムステルダム『ローマ悲劇』字幕監修
- - : News from the Centre for Global Education and Exchange division of Toyo University