The Applied Linguistics course has four faculty staff members who between them have diverse expertise of most fields within linguistics, including theories of language structure, semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, language acquisition theory, language education theory, comparative linguistics, and psycholinguistics.
While the main linguistic expertise of our faculty staff is in English and Japanese, some also study Chinese and Altaic languages such as Manchu and Jurchen.
Breaking down the boundaries between languages is a major feature of this course. As such, comparative research of multiple languages is a significant aspect of the approach to linguistic research in this course, with some of our graduates conducting this kind of research with, Japanese, Chinese, and English grammar.
Our faculty staff offers class-based modules in applied linguistics research and related seminars. Faculty staff will give lectures in applied linguistics research focused on the topics that interest them. The applied linguistics research seminars cover a variety of literature with the aim of familiarizing students with the technical and theoretical aspects of research methods. Students will also be given the opportunity to prepare their master’s theses in the modules Comprehensive Research in Applied Linguistics and Research Supervision in Applied Linguistics. Most faculty members will also participate in these modules. For the doctoral program, thesis supervision in applied linguistics will focus on providing supervision to students by faculty staff who have a similar area of expertise to the thesis in question. When students have reached a certain stage in preparing their theses, they will engage in presentations and discussions on a regular basis with the participation of several faculty staff. Students on this course will typically receive supervision from most faculty staff, similarly to undergraduate thesis supervision.
If you are considering to do your postgraduate study, please feel free to contact the faculty staff by email.
The email addresses of the relevant staff members can be found on this page.
Under construction.Staff
Professor Masato Yamazaki | Professor Masato Yamazaki focuses on the language structure theory and language information theory; he engages in wide-ranging discussions regarding the mechanisms of language. For example, he examines why there are similarities between Japanese and several Asian languages and what kind of information is conveyed by the expressions dake and bakari in Japanese. |
Professor Kazuhiko Tanaka | Professor Kazuhiko Tanaka focuses on the linguistic semantics and linguistic performance theory; he is currently engaged in a comparative study of issues related to tense and aspect in English and Japanese. In particular, he focuses on indirect speech constructions and the usage of tenses in adverbial clauses of time. |
Associate Professor Kayo Tsuji | Associate Professor Kayo Tsuji deals with second language acquisition and English-language pedagogy. |
Lecturer Masaaki Ogura | 英語の辞書やその歴史に主な関心があります。具体的には18世紀英国の辞書編纂家・文筆家であったSamuel Johnsonの文体や言語的な特徴に興味があります。とくに、Johnsonが『英語辞典』(1755)を編纂していた時期に刊行した定期刊行物、The Ramblerにおける彼の言語使用について、文法の観点から後期近代英語と照らし合わせてどのような特徴をもつか、その言語使用がどの程度規範的であったか(あるいはなかったか)について探っています。 |
Graduate Student Research Topics
郭 丹磊 M2 | 体の状態を現す擬態語の日中対照研究 |
樫本 洋子 D3 | 小学校英語教育、読み書き指導、教員養成 |
石田 雅子 D3 | 子どもの第二言語習得、英語教育 |
大前 佳苗 D3 | 英語のリズム、英語熟達度とワーキングメモリの関係 |
Diodato Francesco D3 | イタリア語教育学 |
Research in Language and Information Science | Research in Language and Information Science was first published in March 2005 and is being published every March since. The main contributing authors are graduate students, faculty members, and alumni. It also serves as a forum for reporting on the activities of the course and providing opportunities for the next generation of researchers to launch their careers. |
Work with Academic Societies
The Osaka City University Society of Language and Information Studies is organized by this course, with the participation of faculty staff and students. The society holds an annual conference in the fall with the participation of graduates and alumni, providing a valuable forum for research presentations and information exchange.