インターナショナルスクール集中科目2011 国際都市文化論Ⅰ

平成23年9月20日(火)~22日(木) 終了しました

場所:全学共通教育棟8号館 832号室



集中科目開催にあたって:井上 徹(大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科長)




講義 デイビッド・マカルク(David McCullough)准教授(神戸女学院大学、日本)

講義タイトル:A Close Up View of Discussion: The Talk of Language Learners and the Structure of Interaction

講義概要:Human communication is an active, multi-layered process in which participants are agents both in creating understanding and in dealing with problems arising from misunderstanding. The essential factor in the talk between people lies in the social relationships created during interaction. This paper, using a Conversation Analysis methodology, examines in fine detail the interchanges between a group of Japanese language learners engaging in English language group discussion. The ways in which students ask for assistance, provide assistance and mutually support each other’s efforts to sustain discussion are categorized and explained. The investigation is supported by detailed transcriptions of actual conversation and by video analysis. The paper goes on to draw implications that link this particular study to a broader view of human interaction. Finally, the relevance of a socially based understanding of human interaction to the design and implementation of language learning programmes is discussed.


研究発表 座長:草生久嗣講師

Sant Cugat and Bernat Otger: Conflict, Relationship, and Territorial Policy in the Medieval Catalonia(サン・クガト修道院とバルナト・ウトジェ ―中世カタルーニャにおける紛争、関係、領域政策)
申 斌(東洋史学)
A Statistical Analysis of the Fiscal Structure of Licheng District in Ming China, 1571(1571年明朝歴城県の財政構造に関する統計的な分析)



【午前の部】 台風のため22日に実施

総合司会:山 祐嗣教授

日本語による解説:山 祐嗣教授

講義 ピーター・クチンカ(Peter Kuchinke)教授(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

講義タイトル:Work Meaning and Work Culture in International Comparison

講義概要:This lecture will address the meaning of work and its relationship to cultural norms and values in a number of countries. The overarching goal of the lecture is to open up the notions of work, career, and self-identity in their complex interrelationships across the life-span and in the culture-specific context, to encourage an examination of alternative conceptions of work and career, and to foster interest in the social science based research into the meaning of work in changing social, economic, and technological environments. The lecture will provide a brief history of work and situate its definition and understanding against the socio-political environment in different countries. This is followed by a discussion of the influence of international business organizations and multi-national corporations on the nature of work in a global environment. The lecture will introduce empirical findings from a large-scale, international research project on the meaning of work in eight countries to illustrate the influence of cultural values and institutional and arrangements on the experience of work. The empirical study situates work in holistic fashion in the context of other important life roles and introduces a life-span perspective by exploring different career and work pattern and career motives as individuals move from novices to experts in the their chosen field. The role of career change and continuing professional development/life-long learning will be discussed.


【午後の部】 台風のためレクチャー・ディスカッション/ベーシック・プレゼンは22日に実施、研究発表は23日に実施

研究発表 座長:田中一彦教授、佐伯大輔准教授

Vocabulary Learning through Captioned Videos(字幕付ビデオを通しての語彙習得)
An Analysis of Pigeons’ Cooperative Behavior in Game Situations(ハトのゲーム場面における協力行動の分析)
コメンテータ:ピーター・クチンカ教授(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)



【午前の部】 台風のため講義は22日の午後に実施



講義 スタダー・ワーキャン(Suthada Wadkhien)講師(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)

講義タイトル:Influences and Factors of Gender Expression through Fashion of Youths in Bangkok: A Survey

講義概要:When one walks around Bangkok city center areas, identifying the sex of young people only by the appearance can be bewildering. The way they dress shows ambiguous relations between sex and gender. The notion of sex, male and female, can be recognized biologically on the basis of the reproductive functions. On the other hand, the idea of gender, masculinity and femininity, is socially constructed based on each culture and subculture. Sex and gender do not necessarily correspond to each other. As gender is fabricated by society and clothing is selected by wearers. They both share similar aspects that they are man-made and selective. For Bangkok youths, to present their concept of sex and gender, fashion and apparels are obvious and convenient apparatuses. This survey will investigate the influences and factors of how young people in Bangkok dress to express their genders in their leisure time.

【午後の部】 台風のためレクチャーディスカッションと研究発表は23日に実施

研究発表 座長:池上知子教授、水内俊雄教授 台風のため23日に実施

What Consequences does Social Exclusion Bring on Socially Anxious People? (社会的排除が高対人不安者に与える影響)
A Study on Local Images of a Minority Place in Transition: A Case Study of Utoro District, Kyoto, Japan(マイノリティの場所におけるローカルイメージの変遷過程~ウトロ地区を事例として)
コメンテータ:スタダー・ワーキャン講師(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)


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