COE,URBAN-CULTURE RESEARCH CENTER Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University, Japan Cordially Invites You to The”International School”Program, 27-29 September 2005


Tue.27 Sept
9:30-10:00 “Keynote Speech”
Prof. Dr. Towao SAKAEHARA / Dean of Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University, Japan
10:00-12:00 “Japanese Politics and Economy in the Modern Times”
Prof. Dr. Manfred Pohl / Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universitat Hamburg, Germany
13:00-16:00 “Orality and Literacy in Medieval France”
Nobutada ZUSHI (COE Fellow and PhD Candidade, Western History)“Sprach- und Literaturkultur: Am Beispiel der deutschsprachigen Schweiz in der Zeit der Reformation”
Norikazu TAHARA (COE Fellow and PhD Candidade, German Literature)
Wed.28 Sept.
10:00-12:00 “Migration and Cross-Cultural Issues”
Senior Lecturer, Dr. Rogelia PE-PUA / Head of School of Social Science and Policy, The University of New South Wales, Australia
13:00-16:00 “In Search for a New Form of Ethnic Relations: Korean Residents and Japanese Residents in Osaka”
Dr. Yuko NIKAIDO (COE Postdoctoral Fellow, Sociology)“Attitudes toward Different Cultures in Japan, Germany, and United Kingdom: Applying the Terror Management Theory”
Yuriko MUKAI (COE Fellow and PhD Candidade, Psychology)

“How Wadaiko (Japanese Drum) Is Being Accepted in USA”
Mizuki KUWAHARA (PhD Candidade, School of Asian Culture and Urbanism)

29 Sept.
10:00-12:00 “Urban Society and Conflict among Religious Groups in the Early Modern Times”
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Alexander M. VESEY / Stonehill University, USA
13:00-16:00 “A ‘Gakujin (Gagaku Musicians)’ Group of Shiten-noji Temple in the Early Modern Times”
Tatsuhiro YAMASAKI (PhD Candidade, Japanese History)“The Structure of a ‘Kawatamura’ Community in the Early Modern Times”
Satoko MITA (MA Student, Japanese History)

“Image of the Last Judgement in Post-Byzantine Art”

Miaki HAYAKAWA (PhD Candidade, Western History)


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