インターナショナルスクール集中科目2010 比較文化交流論Ⅱ


場所:全学共通教育棟8号館 815号室




総合司会:中川 眞教授

■あいさつ 村田正博教授(大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科長)

■講義 パポン・カムジン(Prapon Kumjim)講師(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)

講義タイトル:The Transformation of Contemporary Art Management in Bangkok between 1997-2010

講義概要: The contextual parameters of this lecture is based around hands-on experiences by the speaker who has been spent the past 12 years in Bangkok as an artist, art lecturer, board member of a non-profit art organization and head of a university art centre. This hands-on insight is a contribution to the existing body of knowledge in recent Thai art history. 1997 Asian Financial Crisis had coincided with significant transformation of art management in Thailand from previous achievements of commercial galleries and government endorsed art exhibitions through to the onset of alternative non-profit art organizations which hotwired Thai art into international networks of contemporary art organizations. The discussion will cover three issues:

  1. Introduction to the historical context of modern art in Thailand.
  2. Historical significance of 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. The financial collapse of the Thai currency (Baht). Globalisation and the turning point of Thai art management.
  3. Reflecting on the present and anticipating the future of Contemporary Art Management in Bangkok.



座長:土屋貴志准教授、岩田彩志准教授、小牧龍太氏(University of Illinois)

吉川泰生(哲学) Locke and Berkeley on Molyneux’s Question(モリニュー問題をめぐるロックとバークリ)

濱道孝尚(日本史学) An Analysis of the Descriptions of the Chinese Classics in the Shosoin Documents (正倉院文書における漢籍史料の基礎的考察)

冨岡三智(都市文化研究センター) Establishment of Conceptual Court Dance through its Teaching Method (教育メソッドを通じた概念的な宮廷舞踊の成立)

コメンテータ:パポン・カムジン講師(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)




■講義 ティム・リャオ(Tim Liao)教授(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

講義タイトル:Of Rice and Men: Commodity, Hybridity, and Collective Memory in the American Marketplace

講義概要: This study, using rice products as an example, examines the hybridization process of ethnic cultures in the U.S. We analyze various brands of rice from six cultures. Through an analysis of the logo images of these rice brands, we will understand that there exist three levels of hybridization as a sociological phenomenon. The first-level hybridity takes place when rice commodities from foreign cultures become available in the host society’s market; the second-level hybridity occurs when people’s behavior and lifestyles change by adopting rice and cuisine choices from other cultures; the third-level hybridity involves the mixing of the ideas and collective memory associated with the rice from another culture. Based on the analysis, we will demonstrate that the hybridization in America through rice culture occurs certainly at the first level, but only incompletely at the second level and very little, if at all, at the third level.




米岡大輔(都市文化研究センター) The Bosnian Muslim-Intellectuals and their Concept of National Identity (1878-1918) (ボスニア系ムスリム知識人の「民族」論(1878-1918))

大澤裕美佳(心理学) Effects of Information from a Third Party on a Negative Impression of Others (他者に対する否定的印象におよぼす第三者からの情報の効果)

八木広大(心理学) Impulsiveness and Selfishness from the Standpoint of Discounting (価値割引の観点から見た衝動性と利己性の関係)

コメンテータ:ティム・リャオ教授(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)




■講義 ジャクリーヌ・ベルント(Jaqueline Berndt)教授(京都精華大学, 日本)

講義タイトル:Postcritical Anime: Observations on its ‘Identities’ within Contemporary Japan

講義概要: While anime is being watched on a global scale, there are significant differences in its contemporary reception. The gap between regular consumers and critical spectators, sometimes appearing in the form of Japanese audiences vs. foreign Japanologists, deserves special attention since it raises a number of questions, such as what sort of animated film is identified as ‘anime’; who relates anime to politics, history and society; what kind of meaning is at play in anime’s performative images, and to what extent one can read ‘Japanese society’, or even ‘culture’, out of anime. Comparing Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai” (1954) and Gonzo’s “Samurai 7” (2004) as well as touching upon anime’s history, this lecture focuses on aesthetic and cultural identities ascribed to anime in modern Japan and their contemporary relevance.






岡田高志(国語国文学) An Analysis of the Descriptions of Myths in Ancient Japanese Literature (上代文献における神話記述の分析)

坂井晶子(表現文化学) On the Usage of Punctuation Marks in the Twenties of the Meiji Era (明治二十年代の文学における記号の使い方)

コメンテータ:ジャクリーヌ・ベルント教授(京都精華大学, 日本)

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