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holding the concurrent post of Department of Geography, OCU


 Toshio Mizuuchi


 Updated: 22 March, 2014


 Call for paper: the 7th EARCAG



Urban Research Plaza (Global COE Program), and

Department of Geography, Osaka City University

Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi, 558-8585, JAPAN

81+(6) 6605-2070 (office: tel & fax 2069)

Contact mail address:

mizuuchi at ur-plaza.osaka-cu.ac.jp



                                    Date of birth:   13th November, 1956

                                    Place of birth:  Wakayama prefecture, Japan

                                    Nationality:      Japanese



Ph.D. Geography, Osaka City University, 2000.

M.S. Geography, Kyoto University, 1984.

B.A. Geography, Kyoto University, 1982

B.A. Seismology, Kyoto University, 1980





2007-                Vice Director, Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University

2006-                Professor, Urban Research Plaza (concurrently Department of Geography), Osaka City University

2004-2006        Advisory Executive of Presidential Committee, Osaka City University

2003-                Professor, Department of Geography, Osaka City University

1995-2003        Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Osaka City University

1990-1995        Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Toyama University

1988-1990        Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, Toyama University

1985-1988        Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Kyushu University



# Historical analysis of urban development and planning (both in Japan and the former colonial era of Japanese Empire)

# Studies of modern urban history in Japan.

# Critical Studies on the development of public works in Japan (especially, civil engineering works, riparian, harbour, railway, roadc.)

# Historical critical inquiries about geopolitics and geographical thought in Japan

# Interview research for the people who experienced the drastic transformation of their region by the W.W.II and related military invasion

# Studies of urban housing, squatter settlement and homeless issue (In Japan, Korea, Turkey, Hong Kong, Taipei, Shanghai)

# Advisory activity to urban rejuvenation projects (with Japanese metropolitan governments, and their residents)

# Advisory activity to minority group movement (Japanese former outcaste people, Okinawan, day-laborers, underprivileged people)

# Field research conducted in Turkey since 1990 on topics including squatter areas, housing, tourism development, immigration and social change. since 1998, research conducted in Japan on homelessness.

# Development of Assisting Program for Self-Independent of the Ex-Rough Sleepers

# Comparative survey of urban housing-poor, homeless people (rough sleepers) and its counter-measures in Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, Shanghai.  



Native fluency in Japanese, competent spoken, reading and writing abilities in English, some reading abilities in French.







(Listed ONLY papers written in English, or written in Japanese with English summary)

Books, Monographs and Special Issue in Journals: in English

Geographical Viewpoints in the Middle Eastern Cities IV, Migration and Ankara Part 2

  (co-editor, Ryugasaki, Japan: Ryutsu Keizai University, 1999, 135p.)


Nation, Region, and the Politics of Geography in East Asia

 (editor, Osaka, Japan: Osaka City University, 1999, 88p.)


Representing Local Places and Raising Voices from Below

(editor, Osaka, Japan: Osaka City University, 2003, 142p.)


Critical and Radical Geographies of the Social, the Spatial and the Political

(editor, Osaka, Japan: Osaka City University, 2006, 173p.)


Current Status of  Assistance Policies for the Homeless in Seoul, Hong Kong, and Taipei

(editor, Osaka, Japan: Osaka City University, 2006, 81p.)


Special issue on gHousing poverty, homelessness, and the transformation of urban governance in East Asian Citiesh

(Guest editor, City, Culture and Society, Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2010, pp109-174)



Referred Articles: in English

Patterns in public service provision and urban development in prewar Japan before 1945,

Geographical Review of Japan, Series B 64-1 (1991), 293-312,


The Critical heritage of Japanese geography: Its tortured trajectory for eight decades,

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23(2005), pp.453-473


The new mode of urban renewal for the former outcaste minority people and areas in Japan, with Jeon Hong Gyu, Cities, 27, Supplement 1, pp.‚T25-‚T34, Elsevier,  June 2010.


(Written in Japanese with English abstract)   

Formation and development of inner-city in modern industrialization in Osaka,

Jinbun-Chiri (Human Geography) 34, 385-409, 1982.


Residential atmosphere of low-income peoples and their residential renewal projects through the Poor Housing Renewal Act of 1927,

Jinbun-Chiri (Human Geography) 36, 299-321, 1984.


Urban development of Dalian, China during the colonial period from 1899 to 1945,

Jinbun-Chiri (Human Geography) 37, 438-455, 1985.


The past of Japanese inner-city and labourers movement in the pre-war days Japan,

Keizai Chirigaku Nenpo (Annals of economic Geography) 32, 293-312, 1986.


Studies of urban history and geography,

Keizai Chirigaku Nenpo (Annals of Economic Geography) 40, 1-19, 1994.


Historical development of suburban residential estate in pre-war days,

Chiri Kagaku (Geographical Science) 51, 34-54, 1996.


Arising Homeless Issues and Urban Rejuvenation Project in Inner-city of the Contemporary Metropolis

: In The Case of Yoseba, Buraku and Japanese -Foreigners in Osaka City\

Jusoken Nenpo, No.29, 2002 (Annual Report of Housing Research Institute, 2002), 369-380, 2003.@


Book Chapters: in English

Development policies and spatial integration in Japan from 1868 to 1941

In T. Mizuuchi ed., Nation, Region, and the Politics of Geography in East Asia, Osaka City University, 30-42, 1999.


Chap.VI, Aspects of Urban Problems in Ankara with related to Residential Structure,

Chap VII,  Preference of Residential Districts and the Urban Spatial Structure in Ankara.

In Akinobu Terasaka and Toshio Mizuuchi eds.,

Geographical Viewpoints in the Middle Eastern Cities IV, Immigration and Ankara,

Ryutsu Keizai University, 88-98, 99-108, 1999,


Public service provisions and urban finance in Turkey,

In Terasaka, A. ed., Geographical viewpoints in the Middle Eastern cities III, Ankara,

Ryutsu Keizai University, 115-132, 1991. 


The Historical Transformation of Poverty, Discrimination, and Urban Policy in Japanese City: The Case of Osaka

In T. Mizuuchi ed., Representing Local Places and Raising Voices from Below, Osaka City University, 12-30, 2003.


Growth of Rough Sleepers in Osaka and the Recent Evolution of Actions of Government, NPO and Volunteer Organizations

In Shin Nakagawa & Bussakorn Sumrongthong eds., Whatfs Happening on the Street?, UCRC Bangkok Office, Bangkok, pp.32-60, 2003.


Postwar Transformation of Space and Urban Politics in the Inner-ring of Osaka

In T. Mizuuchi ed., Critical and Radical Geographies of the Social, the Spatial and the Political, Osaka City University, 107-131, 2006.


Non-Referred Major Articles: in English

Awareness of spatial inequality in the living environment of the modern Japanese city,

in Nozawa, H. ed., Cosmology epistemology and the history of geographical thought, Kyushu University, 27-38, 1986.


Private struggles, public supports: Rehabilitating Japanese minority community, Buraku,

Dowa Mondai Kenkyu 20, 29-43, 1998.


Housing Aid for the Homeless in Japan and South Korea

Toshio MIZUUCHI, Hong-Gyu JEON, URP GCOE Working Paper 4, April 2009

Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University


Reinventing Public Service Provision for the Socially-Excluded in the City: The Recent Transformation of Homelessness Support and Different Paths toward Self-dependence for the Homeless in Japan
AURP GCOE Working Paper 6, May 2009

Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University


Other Scholarly Publications: in English

Characteristics of urban development and urban planning in pre-war Japan,

in Flüchter, W. ed., Japan and Central Europe Restructuring, Verlag Harrssowitz, 124-139, 1995.


The Japan Association of Economic Geographers,

Information Bulletin of The Union of National Economic Association in Japan, 17, 24-31, 1997.


Changing urban governance for socially discriminated people: A case of Osaka City, Japan,

in Proceedings of 2nd.International Critical Geography Conference,

Korean Association of Spatial Environment Research, 181-188, 2000.


Translation Work:


                                    None into English

                                    (Translated E. Sojafs work of  Postmodern Geographies into Japanese (2003))



Editorial Work:

Editor in chief of the Journal (two times per year), Homeless and Society (in Japanese)

Editor in chief of the bi-monthly Journal, Jinbun Chiri: Japanese Journal f Human Geography (in Japanese)

Editor in chief of the annual Journal, Space, Society and Geographical Thought (in Japanese)

                                    Associate editor of the Quarterly Journal, City, Culture & Society , Elsevier

                                    Editorial board member of the Quarterly Journal, Antipode, Wiley & Blackwell


Teaching Publications:


None in English


Book Reviews:


None in English



                                    (Listed ONLY papers that presented in English)

Urban planning and urban development in prewar Japan,

Japan-German Geographers Conference. Heidelberg University, German, August, 1992


International tourism and urban development in Antalya, Turkey,

International Geographical Union Conference, Hague, Netherlands, August, 1996.


Struggle for better life: some evidences from the urban social movement and urban politics in Osaka city, European Conference of Japanese Studies, Budapest, Hungary, August, 1997.


Private struggles, public supports: Rehabilitating Japanese minority ghetto, Buraku,

Japan-German Geographers Conference, Hachioji, Japan, March, 1998.


The Geographical Agenda of the Urban and Regional Development: A Case of Japan from Meiji Restoration to the Second World War,

East Asian Regional Conference of Alternative Geography, Kyongju, Korea, January, 1999.


Development Policies and Spatial Integration in Japan from 1868 to 1941,

Workshop for the Frontier of Asian Geographers, Osaka City University, Japan, August, 1999.


Visible Homeless and New Urban Governance of the Underprivileged: A Case of Osaka City,

Conference for the Asia-Pacific Economy in1997 and into the 21th century, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, December, 1999.


Changing urban governance for socially discriminated people: A case of Osaka City, Japan,

Conference for International Critical Geographers, Taegu University, August, 2000.


Geographersf geopolitical commitments for field survey and regional geography in the war time,

International Symposium: Asian Modernization in Maps and Geographical Knowledge, International Japanese Culture Research Center, Kyoto, Japan, March, 2001.


Why are Japanese geographers so uncritical?: Recent trend of critical human geography in Japan

The Second East Asian Regional Conference of Alternative Geography, Hong Kong, China, December, 2001


Developing an activity uniting homeless support and grass-rooted community organization.

The Third International Conference for Critical Geographers, Békéscsaba, Hungary, June, 2002.


The growth in the number of people sleeping rough in the city of Osaka, Japan

The First International Forum between Chulalongkorn Univ. and Osaka City Univ. under the COE project of Osaka City University.@

Forum on What's happening on the street?,  Bangkok, Thailand, April 2003.


A new stage in the policy and NGO activities for rough sleepers in Osaka,

The Third East Asian Regional Conference of Alternative Geography, Tokyo, Japan, August, 2003


Present conditions of Airin districts and actual supportive actions,

The Third East Asian Regional Conference of Alternative Geography, Osaka, Japan, August, 2003


Evolution of Urban Redevelopment and Slum Clearance in Japanese Metropolis, Round table on the Joint Project for the Survey with the Institute of Social Sciences, UCRC Shanghai Office, East China Normal University, China, Oct.2003.


Transformation of recent homelessness issues and policies for them in capitalist metropolises of the East Asia

International Conference on Urban Changes in the 21st Century,

East China Normal Univ. Shanghai, June 2004.


The Reality of Policy and Social Movement for Housing Poor and Homeless People in the East Asian Metropolises; The Case of Hong Kong, Seoul, Osaka and Taipei

The 9th Japanese-German Geographical Conference; Shaping the Future of Metropolitan Regions in Japan and Germany:; Governance, Institutions and Place in New Context, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, August 2004.


Post-war Japanese Urban Policy for the Socially Excluded and Concealed,

Joint Workshop on Urbanity, Urban Change and Governance in Shanghai, Hong Kong and OsakaCOsaka City University, August, 2005


Action and Policy for Urban Housing Poor and Homeless People in the East Asian Metropolises,

APNHR Conference 2005, Housing and Globalization, Kobe University, Japan, September, 2005


Society and Space of the Minority in Post-war Osaka, Symposium: gTransnational Urban History: The Local-Global Nexush, Los Angeles-Osaka Comparative Urban Studies Project,

University of Southern California, USA, October, 2005


Opposition and Adjustment Problems Involving Recent Homeless Aid Measures in Japan

The Fourth Meeting of East Asian Regional Conferences in Alternative Geography (EARCAG)

June 24-30, 2006, Taipei, TAIWAN, June, 2006


The Impact of Homeless Issues on the Mode of Urban Governance: the Situations in Osaka and Hong Kong

<abstract>  <full paper>

CELEBRATE! Opening of Takahara Hall, Urban Research Plaza Week.

Hong Kong - Osaka Forum

Theme: Shedding Light on Osaka from Hong Kong's Experience as a Global City, Osaka City University, December, 2006.


Reinventing Public Service Provision for the Socially-Excluded in the City: The Recent Transformation of Homelessness Support and Different Paths Toward Self-reliance for the Homeless in Japan <Proceedings pp47-60>, with Geerhardt Kornatowski. In International Forum: The Transforming Asian City:  Innovative Urban and Planning Practices Hong Kong, May 3-5, 2007


The Struggle Against Loss of Living Space: Squatter Resident Practices and Local Politics in Postwar Japan <Proceedings pp82-92>, with Takuya Motooka. In International Forum: The Transforming Asian City:  Innovative Urban and Planning Practices Hong Kong, May 3-5, 2007


Pursuing new mode of urban governance for the socially disadvantaged area and people, Osaka City U., Urban Research Plazafs Hong Kong Sub-centre Presents, A Workshop on Social Inclusion and Cultural Creativity, Hong Kong, Jan. 6-8, 2008


Kamagasaki Regeneration Forum /Osaka City University, Japan, The Lives of eOcchanf (older men) in the Airin District (Kamagasaki) With@Sen ARIMURA, Takayuki OTIRA, The 2nd ANAH 2008 in Gwangju Korea May 15th -18th 2008, (ANAH: Asian Network for Adequate Housing, By Citizens for Decent Housing)


Does the Adoption of a Spatial Perspective Contribute to the Current Regeneration of ethe Study of Povertyf in Japan, <GCOE Panel>, 5th East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography (EARCAG) "Post-Globalization and East Asia" , 12-16, December, 2008, Seoul, S. Korea


Does the Adoption of a Spatial Perspective Contribute to the Study of Poverty? 2008 KOCERIURP Symposium,gPoverty and Communityh, 16 Dec. 2008, Seoul, S. Korea


Pursuing New Mode of Urban Governance for the Socially Disadvantaged Area and People, ISA-RC21 Tokyo Conference 2008,Landscapes of Global Urbanism: Power, Marginality, and Creativity, International House of Japan, 17-20, Dec., 2008, Tokyo, Japan


Roundtable on Social Inclusion in Osaka and Melbourne, University of Melbourne, Osaka City University and Victoria University:@Joint Conference February 2 & 3, 2009, City, Culture & Society: Pursuing Global Inclusive Society and Reinventing Urban Culture, 2009, Australia


Attempt of Socio-Cultural Community Regeneration in the Disadvantageous Inner-City Area in Japan The  Seventh International Forum between U. of Gadjah Mada., Indonesia Seni Instutiute and Osaka City Univ.@Forum on "Socio-Cultural Networkings?", Feb. 6, U.of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Transformation of the Management of Urban Poverty in Japan: From Slum Clearance to Assistance for the Homeless, 14th International Conference of Historical Geographers, 23–27 August 2009, Kyoto, Japan


Historical Development of Urban Renewal for the Former Outcast Minority People and Areas in Japan

Comparative Approaches to Urban Regeneration and Social Exclusion in Western-Europe and East-Asia.

A joint workshop by K.U. Leuven (Belgium) and OCU URP (Japan), September 4th 2009, at K.U.Leuven


Moderator: OCU-URP Seoul Sub-center Opening Commemorative Symposium:"Poverty and Renewal"

2009/09/18 OCU-URP Seoul Sub-center Opening Commemorative Symposium


Conquering the Failure of Urban Planning in the Socially Disadvantaged Areas in Japan; Coordination of Orthodox Skill of Technocrat with Flexible Art of NGO, International Conference on CULTURAL CITIES, Creativity and Social Inclusion in Osaka and Copenhagen, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, and Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University, 9-11, February, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark


2011OCU International Academic Symposium Proceedings

The 1st International Roundtable Meeting: Towards the Century of Cities

International Symposium; Urban Regeneration through Cultural Creativeness and Social Inclusion


A Workshop for Building an East Asian Inclusive City Network. Hosted by URP Taipei Sub-center, National Taiwan University in collaboration with the Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University


Urgent Needs for Constructing Inclusive Society; Facing the Calamity of Earthquake and Tsunami  in March 11, Urban Research Plaza Yogyakarta Sub-center,  The 9th Academic Form on the Arts and Cultural Management


Support for Vulnerable People and an Alternative Form of Regeneration for the Inner City, 

"International Symposium New Directions in Asian Urban Research in the Age of Globalization, University of Seoul, June 24-25, 2011"


The Current Status and Possibilities for Japanese-StylegSocial Housingh; Learning from Assistance for Escaping Homelessness: the post-Homeless Self-support Assistance Law era and a National Minimum for Housing,

"International Conference on Social Housing in Taiwan: The Right to Adequate Housing and Social Inclusion, National Taiwan University, 2 to 5 Oct. 2011"

Program      News paper




(After 1995-2000)

Social theory in geography and thought on space,

Research fund of Min. of Education, Science and Culture (MESC), 1995-1997.


Colonialism, geopolitics and historical geography of the formation of nation state in and colonial Japan,

Research fund of MESC, 1998-2000.


Socio-political geographical studies on housing renewal projects of outcaste people district,

Research fund of Japan Academy for the Promotion of Science, 1999-2000.


How the intellectuals act and respond to the rise of Asia problematic

through the collaboration of geographers and researchers of spatial studies?

Fukutake Science and Cultural Foundation, Research Program of 1997.


(After 2001- )

Investigation and proposing practical measure for the solution of homeless problem in the contemporary modern Metropolitan districts,

Research fund of MESC, 2000-2001.

Urban rehabilitation projects in inner-city, especially for underprivileged people districts in Osaka city,

Research fund of Housing Research Foundation, 2000-2001.


Comparative research on homeless and squatter problems in Japan, Korea, Hong-Kong and Taiwan,

Overseas Research fund of Japan Academy for the Promotion of Science, 2001-2006.


The LA-Osaka Comparative Urban Studies Program is a joint project between the University of Southern California (USC) and Osaka City University (OCU) to conduct research and provide useful comparative knowledge about the greater LA and Osaka metropolises, and also about their interaction as global cities on the Pacific Rim.@2002-


Center of Excellence (COE) Program for 21st century at Osaka City University:

Director in Shanghai Subcenter, in Urban-Culture Research Center,

Research fund of JSPS, 2002-2006.


Interview Research for those who get public assistance in Nishinari Ward, Osaka City

Funded program by the bureau of Public Health, Osaka City Government, 2005-


Development of Assisting Program for Self-Independent of the Ex-Rough Sleepers

Funded program on Urban Issue, in OCU, 2005-


Managing Field Satellite of Urban Research Plaza by the Osaka Employment, Welfare, and Housing Problems Research Association, 2005-

The chief of Osaka Employment, Welfare, and Housing Problems Research Association

In the cities of Japan and East Asia, the phenomena of housing insecurity, for example the problem of homelessness, are problems requiring urgent solutions. In the midst of insecure housing conditions that result in homelessness, this is an interdisciplinary project keeping up with the latest aid measures throughout the path from homelessness to temporary transit shelters to settled residency and employment, and carrying out survey research that leads to the swift development of aid measures and activities that aid in policy formation.



Global Center of Excellence (Global COE) Program at Osaka City University:

Vice Director of this program

Research fund of JSPS, 2007-2011

GLobal-COEfs theme; eReinventing Cities for Cultural Creativity and Social Inclusionf


Moving from Social Exclusion to Inclusion: Homeless Transitory Housing and the Creation of a Community Aid System in which Former Aid Recipients Can Become Permanent Residents

Director of this program

Research fund of JSPS, 2007-2009


which Former Aid Recipients Can Become Permanent Residents

Director of this program

Research fund of JSPS, 2010-2012





From 2000 onward

Department of Liberal Arts, Osaka University (2001)

Department of Geography, Ochanomizu University, (2001)

Faculty of Economics, Hitotsubashi University (2001)

Department of Geography, Tokushima University (2001)

Department of History, Bukkyo University (2002, 2004)

Department of Geography, Kyushu University (2002)

Department of Geography, Kwansei Gakuin University (2000, 2003, 2005, 2007-2009)

Department of Geography, Mie University (2005)

Department of Geography, Osaka Prefecture University (2005-2011)







    (in preparation)


Osaka City  University:

    Toyama University:

    Kyushu University:


Other Teaching Experience




                                    Shimazu Toshiyuki (Degree Confirmed in 2009)

                                    Kanda Koji (Degree Confirmed in 2006)

                                    Motooka Takuya (Degree Confirmed in 2009)

                                    Yamaguchi Susumu (Degree Confirmed in 2009)





Editor in chief, Homuresu to Shakai (Homeless and Society), 2009-

Editor in chief, Jinbun-Chiri (Human Geography), 2006-2008

Editorial Board, Jinbun-Chiri (Human Geography), 1984-85, 1996-98, 1999-2000

Editorial Board, Shelter-less, 2005-

Editorial Board, Street paper, Naniwa Rojo, 2003-2006

Editorial Board, Antipode, 2001-

Editorial Board, Chiri-Kagaku (Geographical Science), 1997-

Editorial Board, Toshi-Jutaku (Urban Housing) 1997-2002

Editorial Board, Chirigaku Hyoron (Geographical Review) 1994-1996

Executive Board Members, NPO National Homeless Assistance Network